POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Texture disappears after intersection. : Texture disappears after intersection. Server Time
2 Nov 2024 05:21:25 EDT (-0400)
  Texture disappears after intersection.  
From: D  H  Berlin
Date: 18 Aug 2004 08:05:00
Message: <web.412344e42bbecca6a264c58c0@news.povray.org>
Is it the right behavior, that after an intersection the resulting object
has on cutted areas no texture anymore? While areas remaining uncutted stay
textured with the original texture.
Though even stranger for my feeling is that adding a texture at the end of
the intersection statement (See the outcommented line) does not texture the
_whole_ resulting object, but only the cutted areas.  (Though the result is
optimal for me in this case:)

What's the concept behind this behaviour? (Cutted areas are untextured and
don't stay with the original texture. Uncutted areas aren't affected by a
texture-statement at the end of the intersection-statement.)


  #include "colors.inc"
  #include "metals.inc"

#macro pen (maintex,peaktex)
  #local pr = 0.0025;
  #local pml = 0.15;
  #local peakl = 0.009;
  #local number_of_sides = 6;
  #local plane_x = cos( 2*pi/number_of_sides / 2 ) * pr;
  #local i=0;
    union{ cylinder {0 <0,pml,0> pr texture {maintex}}
           cone{ <0,peakl/10,0> pr*11/10 <0,-peakl,0> 0 texture {peaktex
scale peakl/2} }
    #while (i<number_of_sides)
        plane { x, plane_x
          rotate y*i*360/number_of_sides
        #local i=i+1;
// texture(T_Wood11)  // Even Stranger for my feeling :)
object { pen(T_Wood12,T_Wood10)  scale 10
//  texture { T_Wood12 }
  rotate z*-90
  translate y*0.0

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