POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Re: Spline issues : Re: Spline issues Server Time
2 Nov 2024 07:25:51 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Spline issues  
From: Mike Thorn
Date: 17 Jul 2004 11:25:00
Message: <web.40f9445e3d8e8b2649700cac0@news.povray.org>
> I see that your camera look_at spline is going to need at least 3 points
> when using quadratic_spline, 4 if were cubic_spline instead, because each
> preceeding point is a control for the next. The following two points get
> plotted (inbetween first and last if cubic used) on the spline path
> according to that previous point.

I *think* I get the idea...I've always been a little confused over these
points. Basically what you're saying is that I'm missing control points in
my splines, so they're not going the full mile?

> For those skeleton parts you used only a single point at value 9, so that
> would only be plotted at clock=9 (and I believe <0,0,0> at other clock
> values in this case). You'll need to add more points in.

Ah, I thought that it would interpolate across the other 8 clock values. So
it only starts interpolating to the destination vertex once it reaches that
clock point? That would explain a lot. Well, at least adding more points
will be fairly simple.

> Hope that clears things up.

If I understand you correctly in everything, you've solved a billion
problems for me (well, maybe more like 72). Thanks soo much you guys!! :)))

-Happy Guy

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