POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Differents texture on the same object ... : Re: Differents texture on the same object ... Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:07:04 EST (-0500)
  Re: Differents texture on the same object ...  
From: destroyedlolo
Date: 12 Jul 2004 06:00:01
Message: <web.40f255213d2188ebe5987fa60@news.povray.org>
Alain <aze### [at] qwertygov> wrote:
> > Laurent
> >
> If you have only a few discreete values, you can convert your image to a
> paleted one (16 or 256 colours) and use the index to decide what texture
> to use. I can't give you an example as I never done that, but it's
> mentioned somewhere in the documentation. Look for "texture_map".
> Alain

Ok, Merci Alain :-)

It's exactly what I'm looking for :-)
And I found scene/advanced/landscape.pov (searching for texture_map example)
a script doing what I wan't to do.

No, I will create a PNG file to define texture to USE and I'll try to
recreate Annecy vallee in POV.

Thanks for your help :-)


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