Hey all. I'm pretty much brand new to POV. Not really, I've been using it
off and on for about 3 years now. More off though. Anyway, I can do alot of
basic shapes, and a couple of advanced ones as well, and do alot of things
I need to do, but I want to learn to do alot of other things. I've gone
through the tutorial that comes with POV 3.5, but still haven't retained
any of that knowledge, and it seems incomplete (by far even) anyway. So, I
found this place, and was wondering if there was anyone out there that has
the patience and time to help me out and teach me how to do alot of the
more advance funtions and such? Feel free to contact me any way that's
easiest for you:
e-mail: rjs### [at] hotmailcom
AIM: BasSR305
MSN: rjsalamon
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