In my quest to generate some decorations for a Christmas card, I want to try
to create ornaments with pictures of my kids in them. Originally, I wanted
the picture on the ornament but it doesn't look good. So now, I'm trying to
get the picture to look like it's inside the ornament. The ornament itself,
I want it to look like see-through glass. Well, it ain't working. I thought
intersection{} would give me what I want but not quite. This is what I have
so far:
#include "shapes.inc"
#include "colors.inc"
#background { color <1.000,1.000,1.000> }
camera {
location <0, 2, -3>
look_at <0, 0, 0>
light_source { <2, 4, -3> color White}
#declare redBall =
sphere {
pigment {
color rgbt <1,0,0,0.1>
finish{phong 1 diffuse 0 ambient 1}
#declare alekoFrame =
box{<-1,-1,0.01>, <1,1,.01>
png "aleko.png"
finish{diffuse 0 ambient 1}
//scale 5
//translate <-100,-100,250>+265*z
#declare alekoBall = intersection{
object {redBall}
object {alekoBall}
I'm seeing a few problems:
- I don't see the sphere at all (with the phong). I basically just see a
clipped circle with the picture
- My picture appears four times, I guess once for each 1x1x1 box. How do I
make it appear once, but take up all the space of the box? And I only want
it on one side of the box.
- My picture appears speckled. I'm not sure what that's all about. By
speckled, I mean that it looks like a bunch of random pixels have been
removed from the picture.
- My ball doesn't seem very 3D-ish and neither does it look very
see-through... I see that changing ambient to 0 gives a better spheric look
to the ball. But still not very see-through-ish. Maybe I need to put some
kind of textured background to get the effect I want. I'll look into that.
I see that using rgbf instead of rgbt helps also.
If you have some pointers for me, I'd appreciate it much.
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