>What previous post? I see a total of four threads started by you: the
>one about sinusoidal shadows, 16 bit output, normal patterns, and this
In the sinusoidal shadow one.. it was said that true diffraction effect
cannot be achieved by PovRay.. that's what made me thought that it can't be
>I'd start by shining a light through it using photons. However, this
>won't even come close to the same effect as blurring the image, so I
>wonder if it is what you are looking for...you really need to clearly
>state exactly what you are trying to accomplish.
What I'm trying to do is this:
I'm trying to simulate the lens effect that I can observe experimentally.
I grab pictures with a camera/lens assembly of a particular object. Since
the lens is not perfect, it has a transfer function, the point-spread
function (PSF) which causes high-intensity pixels to blur its surrounding
In order to revert the effect, it's been modeled as a convolution blur
(gaussian or more complex).
Since I'm trying to simulate reality, I'm trying fo find a way, in PovRay,
to generate this effect.
For now, I'm simulating the effect by doing a convolution with a
user-defined kernel on my "hand"-simulated images.
Since I'm relatively new to PovRay3.5, I don't really know how to do it.
Tell me if you need more info,
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