POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : creating a ~ like shape : Re: creating a ~ like shape Server Time
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  Re: creating a ~ like shape  
From: cg-hci novice
Date: 17 Nov 2003 01:35:01
Message: <web.3fb86bdedfb9bb36e237f84a0@news.povray.org>
cg-hci_novice wrote:
>Christopher James Huff wrote:
>>In article <web.3fb84f44252431cab776d6580[at]news.povray.org>,
>> "cg-hci_novice" <nomail[at]nomail> wrote:
>>> I was wondering what shape I could use to create a shape similar to a large
>>> tilde (the ~ on the keyboard) or multiple ones conjoined on my trace? Any
>>> suggestions?
>>You need to be more specific. If you just want an extrusion of that
>>shape, try a text object with the string "~" or a prism object. If you
>>want a round tube with two opposing bends, there are many ways to do it.
>>You could use a union of torus sections, an isosurface, or a sphere
>>Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlinknet>
>>POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tagpovrayorg
>Thanks for the suggestions. I will look into them.
>No, not looking for the actual text. Yeah, I guess I just wanted to try
>creating something like a ~ and go from there depending on how it looked
>compared to the rest of the scene...it would be fairly small, though, and
>there would be multiple of these so, would one of the 3 methods you
>mentioned be easier than another? I do not want to put it over any other
>object (if that clarifies).
>Thanks very much.
Actually, I just tried the text and this looks like it may work for my
purpose although I'm not really writing text. Sorry about my confusion. I
just wasn't sure what to expect since I'm not really using it as text.

Thanks again.

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