POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Reducing memory usage : Reducing memory usage Server Time
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  Reducing memory usage  
From: David Jaquay
Date: 29 Oct 2003 11:40:01
Message: <web.3f9fec9736065ca65c5446640@news.povray.org>
While rendering the demo image stackergold.pov, I noticed something I
thought was odd.  The memory usage continued to grow as the image rendered.
 In my very-newbie limited-understanding mode, I would have thought that
POV would setup all the objects in memory up front, and use them to
generate the image as it went along.

1) Can someone fill in the blanks for me as to why this behavior is so?

2) Depending on the reasons for the growing memory usage, can one then do
partial renders using partial data (I'm thinking here of very large meshes)
and combine them, where the entire data set would be too big to fit into


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