POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : 2 queries - heighfield and calcul value in message window : Re: 2 queries - heighfield and calcul value in message window Server Time
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  Re: 2 queries - heighfield and calcul value in message window  
From: tommy
Date: 12 Sep 2003 01:55:00
Message: <web.3f615ee14d1d9765a472d3920@news.povray.org>
Thanks a lot Bob !


Hughes, B. wrote:
>#debug concat ( "\n", str(var,0,-1), "\n" )
>Simply use a pigment_map. For what you ask it would be like:
>#declare ClearPart=pigment {rgbf 1}
>#declare ImageMap=pigment {
>    image_map {jpeg "Image.jpg"}
>        rotate 90*x // turn to face HF plane
>height_field {
>    png "HF.png"
>pigment {
>    gradient y
>    pigment_map {
>        [0.2 ClearPart]
>        [0.2 ImageMap] // from 0.2 on upward
>    }
>Hopefully this is obvious and doesn't need any explanation. Although you can
>also use water_level 51/256 (approx.), which will remove the lowest 5th
>part, it would be better to "map" it like this anyway, since the idea is to
>apply an image file within a specific range. And then again, if using a
>planar map type, no matter so water_level would work in that case.
>Just occured to me that I should make sure of what I'm telling you. Default
>planar image maps would normally propogate infinitely in two
>directions. ----- Okay, checked and it seems to do fine.
>Bob H.

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