(Wow, returning to the PoV scene after a few years. 3.5 IS OUT!)
Due to various (programming/lazyness-related) reasons, i think i might
output SDL with a LOT of isosurfaces instead of normal objects and CSGs. I
was wondering what kind of performance hit i could expect for a very
isosurface-heavy scene (extreme possibility: the whole scene is an
isosurface), compared to a more normal way of describing the same scene.
Which brings the following suggestion: Would it be possible to allow PoV to
interface with another executable(DLL/object file, etc) and use that
isntead of an interpreted function? Or does it seem doable to precompile
functions into assembly or a preparsed format instead of reparsing
everything (if that isn't done already)?
Thank you,
Paul Khuong
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