POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Color Generation: How do I get rid of pink. : Color Generation: How do I get rid of pink. Server Time
4 Nov 2024 17:38:26 EST (-0500)
  Color Generation: How do I get rid of pink.  
From: oldmicah
Date: 13 Jul 2003 10:10:01
Message: <web.3f11680f918f5c4d9cfc34200@news.povray.org>
I'm working on a scene with a library at night, where I am filling
bookshelves with random books.  Overall, I'm pleased with the way it is
working out, but I'm getting some shockingly pink books that look way out
of place in a library.  There is an image at

Right now my code generates random colors, and then try to weed out the pink
colors. As the above image shows, so far I've failed in this approach.  The
problem is that 'pink' seems to show up when red and blue are close to each
other and green is significantly lower.  However, there seem to be other
obnoxious pink combinations in there.

Another option I've considered is to pregenerate a huge table of
'acceptable' colors and then pull randomly from it.  I'm just loathe to do
the work of generating sever thousand good book colors.

So assuming that I can't get over my feelings of masculine insecurity and I
want to get rid of the pink, can anyone come up with a better way to do it?

many thanks,

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