I started with a fairly complex scene and noticed that my bookshelves, even
in the deepest shadows, were not fading into black. They reached a minimum
luminosity and stayed there. After eliminating everything in the scene but
my bookshelves (including all lights), I can still see the bookshelves:
faintly, but they are there. Is there a setting I can use that will allow
them to totally fade to black?
Thanks for any pointers, I've been banging my head against the wall for
several days on this.
//#include "shapes.inc"
camera {
location <-15,30,-155>
look_at <10,0,-5>
#declare bcwidth=28.0;
#declare bcheight=36.0;
#declare bcdepth=6;
#declare bczoffset = 0.20;
#declare bcthick=0.2;
#declare numshelves=7.0;
#declare floorlevel=-20;
#declare upright=
object {
/*left side*/
box { <bcthick, bcheight, bcdepth + bczoffset>, < 0, 0, bczoffset>
pigment { color red .4 green .1 blue .2 }
translate y*floorlevel
#declare shelf=
object {
box { <bcthick, bcwidth, bcdepth + bczoffset>, < 0, 0, bczoffset>
pigment { color red .4 green .1 blue .2 }
rotate <0, 0, 90>
translate y*(floorlevel)
translate x*bcwidth
#declare loadedbookcase=
union {
object { upright }
object {
translate x*28
object { shelf translate y*bcthick }
#declare Cnt=1;
#declare Shelfheight=bcheight/numshelves;
#while (Cnt<=numshelves)
#declare CurrHeight=(Shelfheight*Cnt);
object { shelf translate y*CurrHeight }
#declare Cnt=Cnt+1;
object { loadedbookcase translate z*-126 }
object { loadedbookcase translate x*-40 translate z*-126 }
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