POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Radiosity, Lights and ambient : Radiosity, Lights and ambient Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:28:04 EST (-0500)
  Radiosity, Lights and ambient  
From: Christoph
Date: 26 Jan 2003 18:30:03
Message: <web.3e346efac89d6394e499f8e40@news.povray.org>
To study different designs and color combinations I tried to model a machine
are developing in my company. But I'm struggling a bit with the lighting and
look of materials.

Example picture: http:\\home.tiscalinet.ch\homes\christoph.boos\pov\lam2.png
pov code: http:\\home.tiscalinet.ch\homes\christoph.boos\pov\lam2.pov

I use kind of the same ideas for radiosity, floor and sky-sphere background
it was posted in aug 2002 by Jonathan "JRG" in a thread called "lightsetting
Lego Ferrari". I want to keep the focus on the machine and therefore
else a simple white .(no fancy marble floor with cloudy sky background). The
ferrari example does it fine and I have to say I like the radiosity lighting
very much. But there are still some things I'm not completely happy with.

Right now my idea is to "dress" the machine with two materials. The main
part is
painted metal sheet casing (#declare design1) and then there is a cover made
"natural" (colorless) anodized aluminium. (#declare design2).

Now my questions:
- where does the light come from? The ambient value in the global_settings
well as in the material and floor settings are set to 0, I don't use any
light source...what is left  to emit light?

- Right now the most light seems to come from the top. There the machine is
 white but on the side it's more grayis, even the material is defined as
pure, clean, inocent white. Of course that's the point of raytracing to have
shadows and therefore brighter and darker parts but I would like have to
the main face (the large side with the aluminium cover) brighter and maybe
top a bit darker. I tried to add a light source but imidiately everything
very bright and lost contrast. (whitewhite machine on a whitewhite ground)

- To make the painted metal sheet a bit less artificial and give it a touch
the structure of the painting, I wanted to make this surface a bit rough.
But it
seems neither the roughness nor the crand seem to have an influence with
radiosity light. Other possibity to get a realistic painted and structured

Best regards

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