I'm working on an animation where one scene is using a
smoke-filled solid. A test render for proof of concept
turned up a wierd error in the later frames. I've posted
a ZIP file on my website that contains:
1) three of the 100 frames
2) POV and INI files (facetest.pov)
3) necessary GIF images and .INC files to re-render the animation
This *may* be related to the well-known 'lathe' bug, but maybe not since
the problem shows up differently as I translate the media (the
solid it self does not move).
If someone else can offer any comments on how to avoid this problem,
your help will be GREATLY appreciated.
I can't post to the bugreports group, or I'd have posted this there.
Thanks in advance for any help/comments!
Emory Stagmer
Bass/12string/keyboards/windsynth for Ezekiel's Wheel
Executive Producer, UnTied Music
Author, Pov-Herm (Hermite curves for POV)
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