POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : povray /and/ debian (ETCH) : Re: povray /and/ debian (ETCH) Server Time
12 Feb 2025 13:49:32 EST (-0500)
  Re: povray /and/ debian (ETCH)  
From: Antti Arola
Date: 23 Jun 2008 22:59:52
Message: <slrng60op8.i2h.aea@strahclyde.localdomain>
On 23.06. 2008, stu <stu### [at] hotmailcom> wrote:
> Hmmm.  Even though Pov-Ray is totally free, debian considers it
> "non-free",

As Warp already said, this stems from the dual meanings of "free": 
when talking about "free" in relation to software, the FOSS crowd 
typically means "free as in speech" and not "free as in beer". The 
Debian category "free" in particular pretty much excludes everything 
that's not distributed under GPL, BSD, or similar license.

> and, as I said, it is nowhere on the full CD set I
> downloaded.

If your CD set is for an architecture other than i386, that's
(one reason) why - while there is a POV-Ray package in Etch, it is only
built for the i386 architecture and thus missing form all the rest
(even though the -doc, -examples and -includes are in the repository
for all architectures).

No big loss, though, as the binary Debian distributes appears to be 
broken regardless: in the brief tests I did with it on another computer
where I still had the i386 version of the distro, it conjured 
accuracy/coincident surface -type artifacts on well-behaved 
bezier_spline prisms out of thin air while a self-compiled binary 
or the official one from povray.org had no problems.

Antti Arola
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