I'm making yet another go board. Wonderful game.
I'm having some trouble rendering thin rectangles. I can
completely see why povray fails to render some of the lines in
the from-the-side views.
But in this case, I'd like it to really really draw the lines no
matter what. I experimented with making the ink artificially
tall, but it looked obviously wrong in the close-ups.
Jitter didn't really work how I'd hoped and no amount of
anti-aliasing recursion seemed to help.
I've posted the images here:
Here's how I'm drawing the ink:
#declare inkclr = texture {
finish { phong 0 crand 0 specular 0 reflection 0 ambient 1 }
pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0.005> }
#declare inkshp = object {
union {
#declare counter=0;
#while (counter < hatches)
#declare a=(9.7-hatchwt)-(widthofhatch*counter);
#declare b=9.7-(widthofhatch*counter);
box { <a, inklow, 9.7>, <b, inktop, 0.3> }
box { <9.7, inklow, a>, <0.3, inktop, b> }
#declare counter=counter+1;
cylinder { posc( 4, 4, inklow) posc( 4, 4, inktop), hatchwt*2.2 }
cylinder { posc(16, 16, inklow) posc(16, 16, inktop), hatchwt*2.2 }
cylinder { posc( 4, 16, inklow) posc( 4, 16, inktop), hatchwt*2.2 }
cylinder { posc(16, 4, inklow) posc(16, 4, inktop), hatchwt*2.2 }
cylinder { posc(10, 10, inklow) posc(10, 10, inktop), hatchwt*2.2 }
If riding in an airplane is flying, then riding in a boat is swimming.
39 jumps, 8.0 minutes of freefall, 14.5 ff vertical miles.
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