On Sat, 16 Feb 2002 12:53:06 +0100, Rune wrote:
> The catmull_rom_spline used in sphere_sweeps is in fact exactly identical to
> the cubic_spline used in prisms. Why do they have different names? I don't
> know. It dates back to MegaPov of course, but POV-Ray 3.5 is not MegaPov.
And povray.general is not povray.beta-test.
#local R=<7084844682857967,0787982,826975826580>;#macro L(P)concat(#while(P)chr(
mod(P,100)),#local P=P/100;#end"")#end background{rgb 1}text{ttf L(R.x)L(R.y)0,0
translate<-.8,0,-1>}text{ttf L(R.x)L(R.z)0,0translate<-1.6,-.75,-1>}sphere{z/9e3
4/26/2001finish{reflection 1}}//ron.parker@povray.org My opinions, nobody else's
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