On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 15:18:11 +0100, Christoph Hormann wrote:
> Ron Parker wrote:
>> Somebody sit down with the object pattern and a cylinder warp and an
>> isosurface and whip something up for the poor chap, eh? I would, but I
>> don't happen to have a running copy of POV at the moment.
> Ron, you disappoint me.
> You should really know that object pattern & isosurface are not a very
> good combination.
Yeah, what was I thinking, looking at Gilles' spherical text thing and
then extrapolating.
#macro R(P)z+_(P)_(P)_(P+1)_(P+1)+z#end#macro Q(C,T)bicubic_patch{type 1u_steps
6v_steps 6R(1)R(3)R(5)R(7)pigment{rgb z}}#end#macro _(Y)#local X=asc(substr(C,Y
,1))-65;<T+mod(X,4)div(X,4)9>-2#end#macro O(T)Q("ABEFUQWS",T)Q("WSXTLOJN",T)#
end O(0)O(3)Q("JNKLCGCD",0)light_source{x 1}// ron### [at] povray org
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