On Fri, 18 Jan 2002 09:44:34 -0500, Greg M. Johnson wrote:
> d) MAX size: 500 bytes (arbitrarily chosen as twice the size of one very
> competent sig file posted to p.g.)
sig files already have a max size: 320 bytes. Any longer and they're not
sig files. So if you limited participants to, say, 300 bytes (to make up for
word wrap issues) then they'd be making sig files.
Wow! 500 bytes. Whatever will I do with all that space?
Seriously, though, no theme or anything? It's easy to come up with an
attractive-looking pseudo-abstract image in a small number of bytes. An
image that actually has a point - like "neon" or "uses bicubic patches to
draw letters" or the below-included "spectrum" - is a lot more difficult.
#macro R(L P)sphere{L __}cylinder{L P __}#end#macro P(_1)union{R(z+_ z)R(-z _-z)
R(_-z*3_+z)torus{1__ clipped_by{plane{_ 0}}}translate z+_1}#end#macro S(_)9-(_1-
_)*(_1-_)#end#macro Z(_1 _ __)union{P(_)P(-_)R(y-z-1_)translate.1*_1-y*8pigment{
rgb<S(7)S(5)S(3)>}}#if(_1)Z(_1-__,_,__)#end#end Z(10x*-2,.2)camera{rotate x*90}
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