POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unix : Linux GUI for POV 3.5? : Re: Linux GUI for POV 3.5? Server Time
26 Dec 2024 22:38:49 EST (-0500)
  Re: Linux GUI for POV 3.5?  
From: Steve
Date: 3 Sep 2001 16:22:20
Message: <slrn9p7o7r.h3r.steve@zero-pps.localdomain>
On Mon, 03 Sep 2001 18:23:18 +0200, Sebastian Holtermann wrote:
>Warp wrote:
>>   Why make a GUI nobody will use anyways? (I wouldn't certainly use it
>>   unless
>> it had all the features emacs has; and if it had, how would it be
>> different from emacs anyways? A couple of buttons... Big deal.)
>>   And see:
>>   http://www.students.tut.fi/~warp/povVFAQ/miscVFAQ.html#guiforunix
>Emacs is great, if you have time to learn its features and how to configure 
>But for Artists this would be an obstacle and a reason to use the windows 
>GUIed version of Povray which I think has some advantages (as mentioned 

There are others around here that have already done the configuration.
The configuration is held in a single text file which is fairly short and
easily transferable from one system to another.  

I use emacs all the time, and the only thing I've had to learn is how to 
close the window and save my comments when I'm adding a log entry to a 
file in an RCS repository (C-c c).   

I move around the screen using the arrow keys the way I used to in windows,
I mark, copy, paste, cut and move text around the way I used to in the windows
POV editor, but as I'm using emacs I can have access to many additional features
at the press of a key, like my refontify is F8, goto line is F5, save is F2 exit
without saving F3 etc.  

There are menus which I access using the mouse, these menus offer more 
features than you can shake a stick at, so now I use emacs for almost all
my text editing weather it be perl, POV or bash.  

I use Pico for mail and news as it does everthing I want for those utils, 
loads fast and only has a few commands to learn.  

If you want an example emacs config file ".emacs", all you have to do is 

Steve              email mailto:ste### [at] zeroppsuklinuxnet

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