POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Spiral : Re: Spiral Server Time
20 Feb 2025 14:11:49 EST (-0500)
  Re: Spiral  
From: Steve
Date: 19 Sep 2000 16:49:17
Message: <slrn8sfiso.v54.steve@zero-pps.localdomain>
On Tue, 19 Sep 2000 11:23:37 -0700, Wolfgang Manousek wrote:
>no clue on my side ... how would I create a spiral in POV ... just doesn't
>map into any CSG object ...

In p.b.s-f see David Fontain's message "Big scene file: spiralforest",
just do a search on subject for spiral in that group.  I'm sure there
are easier ways of doing this with an isosurface.

Steve              email mailto:ste### [at] zeroppsuklinuxnet

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