POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : My first MegaPOV0.4 image(26k bu) : Re: My first MegaPOV0.4 image(26k bu) Server Time
21 Feb 2025 13:24:01 EST (-0500)
  Re: My first MegaPOV0.4 image(26k bu)  
From: Steve
Date: 4 Feb 2000 21:27:17
Message: <slrn89n122.48l.sjlen@zero-pps.localdomain>
On Sun, 30 Jan 2000 18:57:18 -0900, mr.art <mr.### [at] gcinet> wrote:
>Sorry, my humor sensors have been giving false
>readings lately so I have stopped relying on
>them. From what I can tell, the works that we
>say make up about 7% of what we are trying to 
>communicate. Body language, tone of voice, facial
>expression and such make up so much more. If we
>could see and hear what others are saying here,
>I think that there might be far less flaming done
>here. Well, then again, maybe not.

Maybe there'd be no one here at all. 

There's only been three flame threads here to my 
knowledge, and only one in this group.  But I don't
read all the groups all the time, and there was that
'Most insulting email' thing that I've only seen 
the odd post about over in p.g.  

All in all I think we're a very sociable easy going

Steve              email mailto:sjl### [at] ndirectcouk

%HAV-A-NICEDAY Error not enough coffee  0 pps. 

web http://www.ndirect.co.uk/~sjlen/

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