POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Transparent background : Transparent background Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:02:44 EST (-0500)
  Transparent background  
From: Dave Vogt
Date: 17 Aug 2003 13:10:08
Message: <r4p411-at4.ln1@control-alt-del.ch>
Hi there

I'm searching for a way to get a transparent background in the
output file (png). Is that possible without post-processing? Do I
need some patch, or didn't I find the correct parameter?

greets & TIA


Dave "tPassive" Vogt| ruby -e "n=gets.to_i;a=(2..n).to_a;a.each{
Linux  user  #225040| |x|puts x;(x*2).step(n,x){|j|a.delete j}}"
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