On Mon, 14 Apr 2008 20:08:11 -0700, Darren New <dne### [at] sanrrcom>
>Thinking that it's actually *right* for the mob to tear the rich people
>apart instead of simply mob violence? Yeah, that *is* so yesterday.
I forgot that "Come the revolution" is probably not a common phrase in
the US :)
Of course it is not right to condone mob violence and I personally
don't. I was just feeling "Bolshy"
>I subscribe to the "if it needs to be done, don't try to justify it with
>morality" school. If the rich need to be beat up, don't try and get God
>or Right or History to justify you. Just go do it.
Well I don't agree with that approach at all, at all.
Although a little bit of pragmatism never comes amiss.
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