POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : Blurred reflections Server Time
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  Blurred reflections (Message 5 to 14 of 24)  
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From: Alain
Subject: Re: Blurred reflections
Date: 8 Feb 2018 16:44:07
Message: <5a7cc4a7$1@news.povray.org>
Le 18-02-06 à 20:10, Mike Horvath a écrit :
> On 2/6/2018 7:22 PM, Alain wrote:
>> Le 18-02-06 à 19:09, Mike Horvath a écrit :
>>> How do I get blurred reflections working in UberPOV? I had it working 
>>> a few years go, but have since forgotten how. Thanks.
>>> Mike
>> You only need to add roughness into the reflection block such as :
>> reflection{0.9 metallic roughness 0.001}
>> or
>> reflection{1 fresnel roughness 0.001}
>> or
>> reflection{0.8 roughness 0.001}
>> or
>> reflection{0.1, 1 roughness 0.001}
>> Normally, you also want to add specular highlights with the same 
>> roughness amount.
> Thanks! What do I use in the header?
> One of my old scenes uses this:
> #version unofficial patch 3.71;
> #patch 0.99;
> But I don't know if that's up-to-date.
> Mike

No longer needed.

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From: Mike Horvath
Subject: Re: Blurred reflections
Date: 9 Feb 2018 07:15:43
Message: <5a7d90ef$1@news.povray.org>
On 2/6/2018 7:22 PM, Alain wrote:
> Le 18-02-06 à 19:09, Mike Horvath a écrit :
>> How do I get blurred reflections working in UberPOV? I had it working 
>> a few years go, but have since forgotten how. Thanks.
>> Mike
> You only need to add roughness into the reflection block such as :
> reflection{0.9 metallic roughness 0.001}
> or
> reflection{1 fresnel roughness 0.001}
> or
> reflection{0.8 roughness 0.001}
> or
> reflection{0.1, 1 roughness 0.001}
> Normally, you also want to add specular highlights with the same 
> roughness amount.

How do I set the roughness of a specular highlight?
Is there a `specular {}` block?


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From: Mike Horvath
Subject: Re: Blurred reflections
Date: 9 Feb 2018 07:18:39
Message: <5a7d919f$1@news.povray.org>
On 2/6/2018 7:22 PM, Alain wrote:
> Le 18-02-06 à 19:09, Mike Horvath a écrit :
>> How do I get blurred reflections working in UberPOV? I had it working 
>> a few years go, but have since forgotten how. Thanks.
>> Mike
> You only need to add roughness into the reflection block such as :
> reflection{0.9 metallic roughness 0.001}
> or
> reflection{1 fresnel roughness 0.001}
> or
> reflection{0.8 roughness 0.001}
> or
> reflection{0.1, 1 roughness 0.001}
> Normally, you also want to add specular highlights with the same 
> roughness amount.

What would the correct way to update the following be?

#local ldrawChromeFin=finish {
  brilliance 6
  diffuse 0.7
  specular 0.80
  roughness 1/120
  reflection 0.8

Do reflection and specular each have their own blocks containing a 
roughness parameter?

#local ldrawChromeFin=finish {
  brilliance 6
  diffuse 0.7
  specular {0.80 roughness 1/120}
  reflection {0.8 roughness 1/120}


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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Blurred reflections
Date: 9 Feb 2018 07:35:01
Message: <5a7d9575$1@news.povray.org>
On 8-2-2018 22:44, Alain wrote:
> Le 18-02-06 à 20:10, Mike Horvath a écrit :
>> On 2/6/2018 7:22 PM, Alain wrote:
>>> Le 18-02-06 à 19:09, Mike Horvath a écrit :
>>>> How do I get blurred reflections working in UberPOV? I had it 
>>>> working a few years go, but have since forgotten how. Thanks.
>>>> Mike
>>> You only need to add roughness into the reflection block such as :
>>> reflection{0.9 metallic roughness 0.001}
>>> or
>>> reflection{1 fresnel roughness 0.001}
>>> or
>>> reflection{0.8 roughness 0.001}
>>> or
>>> reflection{0.1, 1 roughness 0.001}
>>> Normally, you also want to add specular highlights with the same 
>>> roughness amount.
>> Thanks! What do I use in the header?
>> One of my old scenes uses this:
>> #version unofficial patch 3.71;
>> #patch 0.99;
>> But I don't know if that's up-to-date.
>> Mike
> No longer needed.

Oh? I had not been aware of that. Good to know; thanks.


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From: Mike Horvath
Subject: Re: Blurred reflections
Date: 9 Feb 2018 07:39:03
Message: <5a7d9667$1@news.povray.org>
On 2/9/2018 7:19 AM, Mike Horvath wrote:
> On 2/6/2018 7:22 PM, Alain wrote:
>> Le 18-02-06 à 19:09, Mike Horvath a écrit :
>>> How do I get blurred reflections working in UberPOV? I had it working 
>>> a few years go, but have since forgotten how. Thanks.
>>> Mike
>> You only need to add roughness into the reflection block such as :
>> reflection{0.9 metallic roughness 0.001}
>> or
>> reflection{1 fresnel roughness 0.001}
>> or
>> reflection{0.8 roughness 0.001}
>> or
>> reflection{0.1, 1 roughness 0.001}
>> Normally, you also want to add specular highlights with the same 
>> roughness amount.
> What would the correct way to update the following be?
> #local ldrawChromeFin=finish {
>   brilliance 6
>   diffuse 0.7
>   metallic
>   specular 0.80
>   roughness 1/120
>   reflection 0.8
> };
> Do reflection and specular each have their own blocks containing a 
> roughness parameter?
> #local ldrawChromeFin=finish {
>   brilliance 6
>   diffuse 0.7
>   metallic
>   specular {0.80 roughness 1/120}
>   reflection {0.8 roughness 1/120}
> };
> Mike

Ignore the `metallic` keyword there since I overlooked it too.


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From: Alain
Subject: Re: Blurred reflections
Date: 9 Feb 2018 20:12:32
Message: <5a7e4700@news.povray.org>
Le 18-02-09 à 07:16, Mike Horvath a écrit :
> On 2/6/2018 7:22 PM, Alain wrote:
>> Le 18-02-06 à 19:09, Mike Horvath a écrit :
>>> How do I get blurred reflections working in UberPOV? I had it working 
>>> a few years go, but have since forgotten how. Thanks.
>>> Mike
>> You only need to add roughness into the reflection block such as :
>> reflection{0.9 metallic roughness 0.001}
>> or
>> reflection{1 fresnel roughness 0.001}
>> or
>> reflection{0.8 roughness 0.001}
>> or
>> reflection{0.1, 1 roughness 0.001}
>> Normally, you also want to add specular highlights with the same 
>> roughness amount.
> How do I set the roughness of a specular highlight?
> Is there a `specular {}` block?
> Mike

	diffuse 0.1
	ambient 0
	reflection{1 fresnel roughness 0.001 conserve_energy}
	specular 0.7
	roughness 0.001

It have been around like that for almost for ever...

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From: Alain
Subject: Re: Blurred reflections
Date: 9 Feb 2018 20:22:37
Message: <5a7e495d$1@news.povray.org>
Le 18-02-09 à 07:19, Mike Horvath a écrit :
> On 2/6/2018 7:22 PM, Alain wrote:
>> Le 18-02-06 à 19:09, Mike Horvath a écrit :
>>> How do I get blurred reflections working in UberPOV? I had it working 
>>> a few years go, but have since forgotten how. Thanks.
>>> Mike
>> You only need to add roughness into the reflection block such as :
>> reflection{0.9 metallic roughness 0.001}
>> or
>> reflection{1 fresnel roughness 0.001}
>> or
>> reflection{0.8 roughness 0.001}
>> or
>> reflection{0.1, 1 roughness 0.001}
>> Normally, you also want to add specular highlights with the same 
>> roughness amount.
> What would the correct way to update the following be?
> #local ldrawChromeFin=finish {
>   brilliance 6
>   diffuse 0.7
>   metallic
>   specular 0.80
>   roughness 1/120
>   reflection 0.8
> };
> Do reflection and specular each have their own blocks containing a 
> roughness parameter?
> #local ldrawChromeFin=finish {
>   brilliance 6
>   diffuse 0.7
>   metallic
>   specular {0.80 roughness 1/120}
>   reflection {0.8 roughness 1/120}
> };
This could cause an error message.
> Mike

This way :
#local ldrawChromeFin=finish {
  brilliance 6
  diffuse 0.7
  specular 0.80 roughness 1/120
  reflection {0.8 roughness 1/120 metallic}

The first metallic affect the specular or phong highlight. The metallic 
in the reflection block affect the reflection only.
There is NO specular block.
Reflection may be used without a block which is the legacy syntax. In 
that case, it will borrow the metallic of specular, but not the roughness.

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From: Mike Horvath
Subject: Re: Blurred reflections
Date: 9 Feb 2018 21:22:13
Message: <5a7e5755$1@news.povray.org>
On 2/9/2018 8:23 PM, Alain wrote:
> This way :
> #local ldrawChromeFin=finish {
>   brilliance 6
>   diffuse 0.7
>   metallic
>   specular 0.80 roughness 1/120
>   reflection {0.8 roughness 1/120 metallic}
> }
> The first metallic affect the specular or phong highlight. The metallic 
> in the reflection block affect the reflection only.
> There is NO specular block.
> Reflection may be used without a block which is the legacy syntax. In 
> that case, it will borrow the metallic of specular, but not the roughness.

Awesome, thanks. That clears up the syntax for me.


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From: Kenneth
Subject: Re: Blurred reflections
Date: 10 Feb 2018 03:05:03
Message: <web.5a7ea679ba6b2c30a47873e10@news.povray.org>
Alain <kua### [at] videotronca> wrote:

> Reflection may be used without a block which is the legacy syntax. In
> that case, it will borrow the metallic of specular, but not the roughness.

I didn't know that reflection would 'borrow' the specular's metallic in such a
case. Thanks.

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From: Alain
Subject: Re: Blurred reflections
Date: 10 Feb 2018 12:24:15
Message: <5a7f2abf@news.povray.org>
Le 18-02-10 à 02:59, Kenneth a écrit :
> Alain <kua### [at] videotronca> wrote:
>> Reflection may be used without a block which is the legacy syntax. In
>> that case, it will borrow the metallic of specular, but not the roughness.
> I didn't know that reflection would 'borrow' the specular's metallic in such a
> case. Thanks.

It's a leftover/backware compatibility thing.
Before the reflection block was introduced, there was no way to know if 
any metallic modifier was intended for phong, specular or reflection. 
Also, the actual order was totally ignored.

phong 1
phong_size 150
reflection 0.8

phong 1
phong_size 150
reflection 0.8

phong 1
reflection 0.8
phong_size 150

phong_size 150
reflection 0.8
phong 1


phong 1
phong_size 150
reflection 0.8

would gives the same result.
This is what I mean by "borrow".

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