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I have no idea where it comes from, I am a beginner but I have to use POV-Ray in
my C++ program. Does someone have an idea to fix this ?
I can't attach anything to this post so here is the image :
The two round shadows are the display of the following image that I obtain in
the output file :
I need to display what my program calculates, so I'm counting on the display
more than on the output file.
Here is my command line :
povray +P test1.pov
here is the POV file :
camera {
location < -3.0, 3 , -3.0>
up y
look_at <0 ,0.2 ,0 > }
box {
< -30.0 , -0.1 , -30.0 >,
< 30.0 , 0.0 , 30.0 >
finish { ambient 0.0 diffuse 0.8 reflection 0.6 }
pigment { color red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.3 }
light_source {
<-10, 30, -40>
color red 0.8 green 0.8 blue 0.8
sphere {
<0 ,1 ,0 > , 1
finish { ambient 0.0 diffuse 0.8 phong 0.0 }
pigment { color red 1 green 1 blue 1 }
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From: Le Forgeron
Subject: Re: I can see througt the display window on Ubuntu
Date: 14 Dec 2012 12:32:07
Message: <50cb6297$1@news.povray.org>
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Le 14/12/2012 17:27, kissvcool nous fit lire :
> I have no idea where it comes from, I am a beginner but I have to use POV-Ray in
> my C++ program. Does someone have an idea to fix this ?
> I can't attach anything to this post so here is the image :
> http://www.heberger-image.fr/data/images/59641_Capture_du_2012_12_14_17_15_51.png
It's seem it is povray 3.6.
Give a try to 3.7RC6 sources, it might have solved that X11 handling
> The two round shadows are the display of the following image that I obtain in
> the output file :
> http://www.heberger-image.fr/data/images/30660_Capture_du_2012_12_14_17_22_18.png
> I need to display what my program calculates, so I'm counting on the display
> more than on the output file.
Once rendered, you can display the rendered image with your usual tool.
(eog, display, ...)
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> It's seem it is povray 3.6.
> Give a try to 3.7RC6 sources, it might have solved that X11 handling
> already.
I'm trying to install this beta version, and following the instructions :
-1 : ./configuration
a bunch of line appear and I can only guess that it must be ok.
-2 : make
Nothing happens and I get the message :
in English ->
No specified target and no makefile could be found. Stop.
I don't know if it's relevant but the files Makefile.am and Makefile.in are
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Am 14.12.2012 19:55, schrieb kissvcool:
>> It's seem it is povray 3.6.
>> Give a try to 3.7RC6 sources, it might have solved that X11 handling
>> already.
> I'm trying to install this beta version, and following the instructions :
> -1 : ./configuration
> a bunch of line appear and I can only guess that it must be ok.
That /should/ be "./configure"; and if you run it without any arguments,
you'll get some lines saying that you need to specify COMPILED_BY, i.e.:
./configure COMPILED_BY="John Doe (jdo### [at] foocom)"
You may also want to specify an installation directory via the "prefix"
option, such as:
./configure --prefix=/home/jdoe/povray37 COMPILED_BY="..."
"./configure" should ideally run a bunch of tests, printing plenty of
lines saying "Testing whether...: yes/no"; and finally explicitly tell
you that everything is ok, with a summary of the settings "make" will be
It might complain though that some libraries are missing (you'll need
both the libraries themselves and the corresponging *-dev packages),
such as libboost, libpng, libjpeg, libtiff, and/or (optionally) openexr.
It's all described in the INSTALL text file though.
> -2 : make
> Nothing happens and I get the message :
> in English ->
> No specified target and no makefile could be found. Stop.
> I don't know if it's relevant but the files Makefile.am and Makefile.in are
> there.
After "./configure" has run (successfully), you should also find a
"Makefile" (without extension).
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From: Jaime Vives Piqueres
Subject: Re: I can see througt the display window on Ubuntu
Date: 14 Dec 2012 16:40:50
Message: <50cb9ce2$1@news.povray.org>
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> I have no idea where it comes from, I am a beginner but I have to use POV-Ray in
> my C++ program. Does someone have an idea to fix this ?
IIRC, this switch solved the problem: -visual DirectColor
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