Le_Forgeron <jgr### [at] free fr> wrote:
> Le 02/10/2018 à 20:27, jr a écrit :
> > [*] why can that (Xlib) code not simply be ported?
> Because handling at Xlib level means dealing with every possible
> colour-depth and colour-system, nearly by hand.
> ...
> You can handle the X11 you have on your system, but for a distribution,
> it is painful to support all of them.
thanks for the background.
fwiw, I've downloaded/installed SDL2 (gone are the man pages. </sigh>), so
if/when the "not a 5 minute" conversion job is done I'd be happy to test.
to make this (command-line option to embed POV-Ray in given window) an official
feature request, what need I do?
regards, jr.
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