"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> writes:
>> The ttf files are located under /<your_mountpoint>/windows/fonts.
>> Add that to your libaries and you should be able to use them.
>> --
>> Cheers,
>> haj
> Thanks Haj,
> Yes, that sounds like it ought to work. I'm on the beginning of the learning
> curve using qtPOV-Ray in Mint, so I don't no where to go to edit the library
> path.
> home? bin? usr? etc? :|
I admit that I don't know anything about qtPOV-Ray. For my plain old
POV-Ray 3.7 on Debian I have a file /etc/povray/3.7/povray.ini which
contains some library paths:
You can also add user specific paths in $HOME/.povray/3.7/povray.ini
without root privileges.
> It's also been far too long since I tended a Unix box, and can't remember how to
> search the directory tree for a filename, etc....
That might be slightly beyond the scope of this list :) Anyway, the file
manager on Linux desktops is very similar to the Windows Explorer. From
the command line, one example seems to be ok:
$ find /windata/ -name "*.ttf"
^where to start searching ^what to search
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