"Jim Charter" <jrc### [at] msn com> schreef in bericht
> Thomas would you be able to sketch briefly how Poser 6 would relate to
> Daz?
OK let me try. I may forget something but others will correct me.
Daz, as you know, comes free. That is its major asset I believe, in the
world of figure building and animating. It comes too with a set of free,
basic, figures, some with morph possibilites, some very basic conforming
clothes, and a set of 3D environments. Most everything else, if you want to
expand, and you want very soon to expand (making/adding hair, clothes, etc)
comes at a price. These are not very expensive, but in the end I believe you
will spend more money in perfecting Daz than by investing initially in Poser
and go on from there.
Poser comes standard with a set of figures, most with morph capabilities, a
set of basic conforming clothes and conforming hair. Up to now, very similar
to Daz. The great potential of Poser however, are the different *Rooms*
where you can work on and with the figures.
Material Room: where you can work on the textures. Something similar exist
in Daz too, but Poser is more comprehensive. The drawback is that many
features cannot be translated easily to pov via Poseray, mostly because some
of the features have no equivalent in pov. However, you can add your own
textures in pov of course, so the limitation is only relative.
Face Room: Here you can change completely the character of your figures'
faces, creating new personalities.
Hair Room: Potentially (for us, pov users) a very powerful tool for creating
dynamic hair that can be animated (by wind or gravity). Unfortunately, this
cannot be well exported to pov yet. I remember that FlyerX said he was
working on it however. There is already a way to translate the dynamic hair
to pov in Poseray, but the results are not too convincing.
Cloth Room: Aah! My favourite! Taking the figures in their zero-pose, you
can model simple or complex clothes in any modeller you happen to use
(Wings3D, Blender, Silo2, etc) import them into the Cloth Room, dress your
figures with them, set a whole range of dynamic cloth parameters, and
animate the figure towards an end pose you have chosen. The clothes will
dynamically follow the whole action and, if all goes right, end up with a
very believable dressed figure. You can play with gravity and wind too. You
have seen my images. The results can be very good. I am still learning and
improving my skills in this room.
Setup Room: I have not yet been there seriously. Basically, you can change
here the bone structure of your figures, or add bones to boneless ones.
Useful too for making conforming clothes.
On the Content Paradise site, you will find a whole range of figures (human
and animal), props, hairs, that have been offered for free in the past.
Miki/Miki2 is one of them. Free conforming hair can be found for instance
here http://www.digitalbabes2.com/
Very important (and very complex) is the free Apollo Maximus figure by Anton
It works as well for Poser as for Daz. It is one of my favourites because
you can change totally the whole morphology of the figure, so you have
endless possibilities to people your scenes. Currently the 2007 version is
up but Anton is working on the 2008 (and probably final) version.
Now, if you want specific things, many things are for sale, mainly
conforming clothes and endless variations on bikinis, generally for modic
prices. However, my opinion is that they are very restricted in use or
useless. Just visit the appropriate pages on the Daz and Content Paradise
sites to see what I mean.
The only two things in which I have invested because I saw their utility,
are http://www.physicalc-software.com/poserphysics/, and
In the end, I may not have been entirely fair to Daz, but that is because I
very rapidly switched from the use of Daz to Poser, mainly because I ended
up pretty soon (immediately to tell the truth) against the usefulness limits
of Daz. I still have not met those in Poser...
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