How do I get added to POV-RAY's "Links Collection" on the website?
I'd like feedback on this: Much improved Export for rayshade and POV
"most missed support". It'd be nice to hear what is "most missed" for how you
might use it. Other feedback or advice is certainly welcome.
(rayshade` Makes file.ray that will look much like notebook raytraced with
rayshade. Views too, even in front-end. POVRay is partially supported too.)
submitted to but not yet available there - waiting
for approval
Does anyone know if another such raytrace file Export project exists other than
Mathematica build-in? (not GL/CL/dfx/threescript graphics, raytrace ones) I
missed it if there is.
Thanks very much !
I'm somewhat surprised that no one has commented on your proposal; one possible
reason might be that POV-Ray is a much more 'mature' raytracer than Rayshade
(which appears to be an older application from the 1990's.)
However, the Rayshade project itself is interesting (I didn't know about it
until now.) Out of curiosity, I went to its original website...
.....then clicked on one of the links there ("Notes on Rayshade" by Stephen
I picked a subject at random--"Transforms"-- and was completely surprised
by how concise and well-written it is. It's the best description (with
examples!) of using a transform matrix that I've yet seen. Until now, that
subject has been quite a mystery to me. POV-Ray's documentation could use such
an excellent explanation!
From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: NEW rayshade and POV Export Mathematica help
Date: 8 Apr 2013 02:58:35
Message: <51626a9b$>
On 5-4-2013 22:58, debguy wrote:
> How do I get added to POV-RAY's "Links Collection" on the website?>
I suppose by contacting them? Go to and read the
topic "Contacting Us" :-)