POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.tools.general : Palette index mapper for texture maps? Server Time
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  Palette index mapper for texture maps? (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: syntotic
Subject: Palette index mapper for texture maps?
Date: 7 Jan 2009 22:35:01
Message: <web.496573d5fb5222ea738843b50@news.povray.org>
Any application where you can associate, in order, palette indexes to adequate
colored textures? For example, if I want to wrap a towel texture, then I would
have to associate light textures to ligt pixels and darker textures to darker
pixels by index. A matching tool would be not useful but indispensible. I am
finding this feature counterintuitive compared to the notion of using an
already textured image to simply wrap around a sphere and turning it into a



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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Palette index mapper for texture maps?
Date: 8 Jan 2009 03:10:00
Message: <web.4965b47ae46be500fa150d980@news.povray.org>
"syntotic" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Any application where you can associate, in order, palette indexes to adequate
> colored textures? For example, if I want to wrap a towel texture, then I would
> have to associate light textures to ligt pixels and darker textures to darker
> pixels by index. A matching tool would be not useful but indispensible. I am
> finding this feature counterintuitive compared to the notion of using an
> already textured image to simply wrap around a sphere and turning it into a
> world...

I'm not sure whether you're maybe just using the wrong tool for the job.

If all you want to do is something as straightforward as colorizing an object
according to an image, why don't you use an equally straightforward tool such
as image_map or - if you need a bit more control over the colors - an
image_pattern / color_map combo?

But then again I may not be understanding what you actually want to do.

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