POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.tools.general : is there any other program like Poser? Server Time
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  is there any other program like Poser? (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: DocJunioR
Subject: is there any other program like Poser?
Date: 10 Nov 2004 10:00:00
Message: <web.41922bdb3139a18b6cebd8020@news.povray.org>
I'm interested in character animation but I can't efford any money for my
software. ;)
Well I know about poser but it's commercial software - isn't it ?
Is there any alternative (besides creating a character vertex by vertex)?

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From: Jeremy M  Praay
Subject: Re: is there any other program like Poser?
Date: 10 Nov 2004 12:51:20
Message: <41925518$1@news.povray.org>

Of course, you still need models (probably of people), which are not free, 
but they do go on-sale every now and then.  I got Victoria 3 for about $25 a 
few months ago, but it's normal price is around $40.  Daz|Studio can use the 
same models as Poser (though my experience has been that Poser 5 models 
don't work).  I'm not aware of any free Poser people models, but there may 
be some out there somewhere.  There is certainly a lot of free Poser stuff 
that should work in Daz|Studio.  If that's the route you want to take, get 
on their mailing list.   They seem to offer discounts every couple of 


"DocJunioR" <doc### [at] webde> wrote in message 
> I'm interested in character animation but I can't efford any money for my
> software. ;)
> Well I know about poser but it's commercial software - isn't it ?
> Is there any alternative (besides creating a character vertex by vertex)?

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From: Peter Duthie
Subject: Re: is there any other program like Poser?
Date: 10 Nov 2004 18:49:09
Message: <4192a8f5$1@news.povray.org>
There's a great free poser model, "Mayadoll".


Do a google search for Mayadoll and you'll find a lot of related add-ons 
for it as well.

Also, Poser 5 is relatively cheap these days.  I bought it for about 
$180 USD about 18 months ago on amazon.com, and it's listed at $170 
right now but I've seen it for as low as $120.  Granted, it's more 
expensive than POVRay, but given the amount of time you can spend 
playing with CG, what price do you value your time at?

Peter D.

Jeremy M. Praay wrote:
> DAZ|Studio
> http://secure.daz3d.com/studio/
> Of course, you still need models (probably of people), which are not free, 
> but they do go on-sale every now and then.  I got Victoria 3 for about $25 a 
> few months ago, but it's normal price is around $40.  Daz|Studio can use the 
> same models as Poser (though my experience has been that Poser 5 models 
> don't work).  I'm not aware of any free Poser people models, but there may 
> be some out there somewhere.  There is certainly a lot of free Poser stuff 
> that should work in Daz|Studio.  If that's the route you want to take, get 
> on their mailing list.   They seem to offer discounts every couple of 
> months.

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