POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.tools.general : Wings 3D plugin not working Server Time
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  Wings 3D plugin not working (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
From: Matthew Pace
Subject: Wings 3D plugin not working
Date: 10 Jun 2005 02:15:47
Message: <matt-pace-91A890.23154609062005@news.povray.org>
Hello all, I am running Mac OS 10.3.9 .  I have the latest version of 
Wings (Downloaded last week, right before the server died).  I also have 
the latest POV-Ray plugin.  I clicked install plugin (in wings), chose 
the wXX_pov.beam file (Forgot what the XX was), anyways I got a message 
saying plugin was installed correctly, but theres no options for the 
plugin, or export/render options for POV.  I tried restarting wings, re 
DLing the plugin, re installing the plugin (sometimes the message saying 
it installed would appear twice).  NOTHING WORKED.  At all.  None of the 
other files will install or anything.

Anyone able to lend a helping hand?

Thanks in advance.

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From: Jaime Vives Piqueres
Subject: Re: Wings 3D plugin not working
Date: 10 Jun 2005 05:57:15
Message: <42a963fb$1@news.povray.org>
Matthew Pace wrote:
> Hello all, I am running Mac OS 10.3.9 .  I have the latest version of 
> Wings (Downloaded last week, right before the server died).  I also have 
> the latest POV-Ray plugin.  I clicked install plugin (in wings), chose 
> the wXX_pov.beam file (Forgot what the XX was), anyways I got a message 
> saying plugin was installed correctly, but theres no options for the 
> plugin, or export/render options for POV.  I tried restarting wings, re 
> DLing the plugin, re installing the plugin (sometimes the message saying 
> it installed would appear twice).  NOTHING WORKED.  At all.  None of the 
> other files will install or anything.

Wings-0.98.26b it's the only working for me here (on Linux) with the POV 
exporter... IIRC, I tried later with a recent version but had the same 
problem as you.


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From: Tom York
Subject: Re: Wings 3D plugin not working
Date: 10 Jun 2005 20:35:00
Message: <web.42aa3155e4d9edece0d101b60@news.povray.org>
I've had no problems with Wings 0.98.30 and the POV-Ray exporter (Windows).
What version of Wings are you running? Your best bet may be to raise this
on the Wings 3D development forum.


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From: triple r
Subject: Re: Wings 3D plugin not working
Date: 11 Jun 2005 01:25:00
Message: <web.42aa754de4d9edec20cb1ca60@news.povray.org>
Matthew Pace <mat### [at] lycoscom> wrote:
> Hello all, I am running Mac OS 10.3.9 .  I have the latest version of
> Wings (Downloaded last week, right before the server died).  I also have
> the latest POV-Ray plugin.  I clicked install plugin (in wings), chose
> the wXX_pov.beam file (Forgot what the XX was), anyways I got a message
> saying plugin was installed correctly, but theres no options for the
> plugin, or export/render options for POV.  I tried restarting wings, re
> DLing the plugin, re installing the plugin (sometimes the message saying
> it installed would appear twice).  NOTHING WORKED.  At all.  None of the
> other files will install or anything.
> Anyone able to lend a helping hand?

Yes.  I can help.  I ran into the same problem, so I tried looking at the
other formats.  If you look at an exported .obj, it is just a couple junk
lines, then 'v' followed by x, y, and z-coords.  The uv and normal vectors
are listed similarly, then the faces.  Pretty simple really.  So I wrote a
converter in c++ and command-line format to handle this and uv-mapping.  In
its current state, it only handles triangulated meshes (select
body->tesselate->triangulate) and spherical mapping, but I plan to make
some additions and clean it up a little.  It also outputs a ppm-file with
the mesh faces drawn.  It's not at all complete, but I'm working on
sections as I go.  I can post the code AS-IS and see if that helps at all,
but I make no guarantees that it won't destroy your computer, etc...  I'll
post it to p.b.misc.  Oh, and keep in mind that spherical uv-mapping is not
very useful for a static mesh since it's easier to go in and use a
spherical map (and my uv-mapping currently leaves a big ugly seam where it
loops from 2pi to 0.

- Ricky

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From: triple r
Subject: Re: Wings 3D plugin not working
Date: 11 Jun 2005 01:40:00
Message: <web.42aa7893e4d9edec20cb1ca60@news.povray.org>
> p.b.misc.

Scratch that.  p.b.utilities seems like a better place.

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