POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.tools.general : building povmodeler? Server Time
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  building povmodeler? (Message 31 to 32 of 32)  
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From: jr
Subject: Re: building povmodeler?
Date: 11 Dec 2019 11:05:00
Message: <web.5df11286cdd38c9feeb22ff0@news.povray.org>

Dick Balaska <dic### [at] buckosoftcom> wrote:
> Am 12/10/19 1:18 AM, also sprach jr:
>  > btw, re 'qtpovmodeler', what's with the baseinsertrules.xml file not
> found?
>  > (same for the docmap xml).
> Did you do make install?  I got these installed from the povmodeler.deb
> file.
> $ ls /usr/share/povmodeler/
> baseinsertrules.xml  examples  library  povraydocmap.xml  questionmark.png
> I would guess you have the same in /usr/local?

not quite.  I only built the executable, then tried it in-situ (temp build dir);
both the exe and the supporting xml were in the same directory though.

> But. I did not set up make install in the qmake file yet.  You would
> have had to have done that from the povmodeler's cmake.

will you be adding the install procedure in the near future?

>  >  also, and that may be my window manager to blame
>  > (WindowMaker 0.95.7), main menu accelerator key bindings do not work
> for me.
> They don't work for me either.

not my setup then, ok.  another "not working for me" item is the preferences
dialog, afaict it does not save changed setting between sessions.

(how did you manage to create a bathtub, _anything_??)

regards, jr.

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From: Dick Balaska
Subject: Re: building povmodeler?
Date: 20 Dec 2019 03:47:31
Message: <5dfc8aa3$1@news.povray.org>
Am 12/11/19 11:00 AM, also sprach jr:

> (how did you manage to create a bathtub, _anything_??)

I installed the .deb, which I think put all of the right files in place.
The exe in the .deb doesn't work.
I got it to build and run fine in qtcreator using Qt 5.13.1
It suffers the OpenGL init errors if I build it under Qt 5.9 (the 
current debian version).

It's weird that it requires such a new version of Qt, since the program 
was ported from Qt 3.

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