POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.tools.general : POV-Tree: solution for broken mesh? Server Time
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  POV-Tree: solution for broken mesh? (Message 1 to 4 of 4)  
From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: POV-Tree: solution for broken mesh?
Date: 23 Jun 2008 08:26:58
Message: <485f9692@news.povray.org>
My experience with POV-Tree is that often the contacts between branches and 
twigs and between twigs and ramifications are broken. When viewed from a 
distance this is not always a big issue. However, when a tree is near the 
camera, this is far too obvious. I have partly been able to resolve the 
issue by increasing the resolution of the meshes, but this is not always the 
solution, and the file size increases dramatically as a consequence.

Does anybody know how to avoid such breaks? Have they to do with bend, curve 
and or snag settings?

Any info will be highly appreciated.


PS see p.b.i. for an image illustrating the problem. Tree file size: 358 MB, 
with highest mesh resolution.

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From: fls13
Subject: Re: POV-Tree: solution for broken mesh?
Date: 23 Jun 2008 18:25:00
Message: <web.486022911c4b54c2989e735d0@news.povray.org>
"Thomas de Groot" <t.d### [at] internlDOTnet> wrote:
> My experience with POV-Tree is that often the contacts between branches and
> twigs and between twigs and ramifications are broken. When viewed from a
> distance this is not always a big issue. However, when a tree is near the
> camera, this is far too obvious. I have partly been able to resolve the
> issue by increasing the resolution of the meshes, but this is not always the
> solution, and the file size increases dramatically as a consequence.
> Does anybody know how to avoid such breaks? Have they to do with bend, curve
> and or snag settings?
> Any info will be highly appreciated.
> Thomas
> PS see p.b.i. for an image illustrating the problem. Tree file size: 358 MB,
> with highest mesh resolution.

I personally have not noticed this yet. Just started playing with pov-tree this
weekend. Perhaps you are downsizing the geometry for the branches too much. I
know I take it down considerably, otherwise the mesh is just too rez-heavy.

The problems I've had is that it's cumbersome to apply a proper material to the
foliage, and have not successfully been able to make a tree with the UV mapped

But, really only playing a day with it and with next to no support, I am happy
with the results.

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: POV-Tree: solution for broken mesh?
Date: 24 Jun 2008 03:55:55
Message: <4860a88b@news.povray.org>
"fls13" <fls### [at] netzeronet> schreef in bericht 
> I personally have not noticed this yet. Just started playing with pov-tree 
> this
> weekend. Perhaps you are downsizing the geometry for the branches too 
> much. I
> know I take it down considerably, otherwise the mesh is just too 
> rez-heavy.

Hm. I am not aware that I have downsized them that much really, but I shall 
have a look at that anyway. Thanks for the tip.

> The problems I've had is that it's cumbersome to apply a proper material 
> to the
> foliage, and have not successfully been able to make a tree with the UV 
> mapped
> leaves.

I suspect this is a problem with POV-Tree. I have not been able ever to do 
this properly either.

> But, really only playing a day with it and with next to no support, I am 
> happy
> with the results.

It is a very nice and useful application.


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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: POV-Tree: solution for broken mesh?
Date: 24 Jun 2008 10:35:49
Message: <48610645$1@news.povray.org>
Having tested POV-Tree somewhat deeper, I find that the problem most 
probably resides with the mesh converting part of the utility. The tree 
rendered in TomTree, as a blob object, does not show the breaks.  :-(


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