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Hi to all.
I'm trying myself at Wings and have a dumb question.
I'm sure it's easy to do but I can't find a way.
This is my problem : I'm trying to model a HP Pocket PC.
It has 4 buttons on the front which are in a little depression.
It was easy to make on out of the facet : by tesselating it, aligning four
new vertexes in a square shape and smoothing that new facet (and moving it a
bit downwards).
My problem is for the three others : can anyone tell me how to make it
simple ?
I can send a pic of what has been done so far for simpler understanding.
Thanks in advance !
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regdo wrote:
> Hi to all.
> I'm trying myself at Wings and have a dumb question.
> I'm sure it's easy to do but I can't find a way.
> This is my problem : I'm trying to model a HP Pocket PC.
> It has 4 buttons on the front which are in a little depression.
> It was easy to make on out of the facet : by tesselating it, aligning four
> new vertexes in a square shape and smoothing that new facet (and moving it a
> bit downwards).
> My problem is for the three others : can anyone tell me how to make it
> simple ?
> I can send a pic of what has been done so far for simpler understanding.
> Thanks in advance !
Before getting too deep into it, have you play with the "extract region"
command on the Face Mode context menu? It duplicates a set of faces or
polys. Then you can extrude from these new polys and get an object with
a face that duplicates your original.
(As you know the Winged-edge paradigm requires that there be no free
edges. Therefore this tool puts a sort of latent face across the back
of the copied faces to seal their edges. Just something to watch for
when using it. )
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> Before getting too deep into it, have you play with the "extract region"
> command on the Face Mode context menu? It duplicates a set of faces or
> polys. Then you can extrude from these new polys and get an object with a
> face that duplicates your original.
> (As you know the Winged-edge paradigm requires that there be no free
> edges. Therefore this tool puts a sort of latent face across the back of
> the copied faces to seal their edges. Just something to watch for when
> using it. )
I did try that extract tool, but it seems to create an entirely new object,
totally disconnected from the former one, and I can't reconnect it in the
right place afterwards.
In other words, extracting the faces is what I need to keep similarity
between the button gaps, but I can't make the extracted portions to be parts
of the object. The soft just doesn't want to connect the extracted faces'
vertices to the object's or to newly created of the object.
I understand by your last sentence that a single face extracted from an
object is in fact a two-sided face, or more properly two superposed faces
with opposite normals. Does that mess with what I'm triyng ?
Thanks for your interest, but I'm afraid I'll need more help :-(
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regdo wrote:
> Thanks for your interest, but I'm afraid I'll need more help :-(
With a little effort you could then reattach using "bridge". But
maybe you don't need to do any of it. Like much else, Wings modeling is
just a set of improvisations.
I guess it is time to post a picture of the problem or the actual Wings
file. It may be that your method already is the easiest way.
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> I guess it is time to post a picture of the problem or the actual Wings
> file. It may be that your method already is the easiest way.
Here is the wings file.
In the bottom left are the vertices to make the first "hole" (smoothed
twice, collapsed, then intruded, it's kind of clean).
What I want is make 4 of this 6-point square (as identical as possible) and
connect that in a single object. But I don't find the right way ...
BTW, do you know of any tutorials about *general* techniques of 3d modeling
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Download 'hp.wings.dat' (2 KB)
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regdo wrote:
> 4188468f$1@news.povray.org...
>>I guess it is time to post a picture of the problem or the actual Wings
>>file. It may be that your method already is the easiest way.
> Here is the wings file.
> In the bottom left are the vertices to make the first "hole" (smoothed
> twice, collapsed, then intruded, it's kind of clean).
> What I want is make 4 of this 6-point square (as identical as possible) and
> connect that in a single object. But I don't find the right way ...
> BTW, do you know of any tutorials about *general* techniques of 3d modeling
> ?
> TIA.
Okay I take a look, we always post attachments to binaries groups btw.
Probably povray.binaries.misc or povray.binaries.utilities would have
been a good place to post this. Then the custom is to post a response
just saying where you put the post with the attachment.
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I put an illustration in:
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Found it before this one.
Sorry for the attachment in a "non-binary" group. I'm not a long-time user
of that media.
Thanks for your advices.
>I put an illustration in:
> povray.binaries.tutorials
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regdo wrote:
> Found it before this one.
Usually the way it goes. Plus you will always be refining your
approach. It's usually a matter of getting people into the spirit of
the thing.
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