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Looking at Tom Aust's Web-site, he produced the following tree, using
I would like to do something similar, though more like a Christmas Tree.
Has anyone done anything similar using TomTree and/or POVTree? The "Spruce"
that is part of PovTree is not nearly as detailed as I would like.
I'm going to keep plugging away at it, but I thought I would ask if anyone
else has produced something similar. While creating things oneself is
rewarding, I wouldn't have a problem skipping the reward in this case. ;-)
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I tried using PovTree.
How about this?
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Yes, something like that would be pretty good.
I did some more experimenting last night, but I'm still missing something
when it comes to getting the pine needles (foliage) to be arranged properly.
I'm by no means a POV-Tree expert, but occasionally, I can get things to
look pretty good. :-)
Would you mind posting the include file for that tree? (In
povray.binaries.scene-files or on your own site, if you prefer)
Thank you.
"miyoken" <miy### [at] hotmail com> wrote in message
> Hi.
> I tried using PovTree.
> How about this?
> http://miyoken5.hp.infoseek.co.jp/scene.jpg
> miyoken
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> Would you mind posting the include file for that tree? (In
> povray.binaries.scene-files or on your own site, if you prefer)
I post in povray.binaries.scene-files.
May your tree is completed!
> Thank you.
You are welcome.
Yes, we have to save trees coz they produce oxygen :)
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