POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.tools.general : POVColor 1.3 released. Server Time
14 Mar 2025 12:20:40 EDT (-0400)
  POVColor 1.3 released. (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Allen
Subject: POVColor 1.3 released.
Date: 26 Sep 2004 14:26:00
Message: <415709b8@news.povray.org>
I finally got OE working with the newsgroups so this should now be the right
place to post to.

POVColor 1.3 has been released at povcolor.sourceforge.net.  Some new
features are as follows:

Loading and saving maps in POV syntax..
Loading and saving imports in POV syntax.

The program works, but there are still a few problems.

The load/import routine uses a rather pathetic parser I wrote.  It looks for
items in the format:

#declare <name> = <color_map | colour_map> {

The entries can be either single or dual entries, but the color must be in
vector format, <1, 0, 0>  for example.  They must also be rgb or rgbt. Two
entries with the same position may cause problems as well because of the way
the gradient routines work.  The gradient routines expect each item to have
it's own position.  A possible future workaround would be to offset
identical items by a small amount.

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From: Ross
Subject: Re: POVColor 1.3 released.
Date: 29 Sep 2004 17:42:03
Message: <415b2c2b$3@news.povray.org>
"Allen" <bri### [at] yahoocom> wrote in message
> I finally got OE working with the newsgroups so this should now be the
> place to post to.
> POVColor 1.3 has been released at povcolor.sourceforge.net.  Some new
> features are as follows:
> Loading and saving maps in POV syntax..
> Loading and saving imports in POV syntax.
> The program works, but there are still a few problems.
> The load/import routine uses a rather pathetic parser I wrote.  It looks
> items in the format:
> #declare <name> = <color_map | colour_map> {
>   entries
>   }
> The entries can be either single or dual entries, but the color must be in
> vector format, <1, 0, 0>  for example.  They must also be rgb or rgbt. Two
> entries with the same position may cause problems as well because of the
> the gradient routines work.  The gradient routines expect each item to
> it's own position.  A possible future workaround would be to offset
> identical items by a small amount.

cool, i'll try it out again. I always find myself using the same or similar
colors when I don't have a color choser around. sometimes even switching my
typing habits, like switching from decimals in vectors to fractions in
vectors (<0.xxx, 0.xxx, 0.xxx> versus <xxx/256, xxx/256, xxx/256>) gets me
out of habits and into different colors.

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