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  Looking for rendering Omnidirectional Stereo images for VR headset (Message 1 to 10 of 38)  
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From: Clodo
Subject: Looking for rendering Omnidirectional Stereo images for VR headset
Date: 9 Mar 2016 12:35:01
Message: <web.56e05da626a7967a4e8811590@news.povray.org>
With POV-Ray 3.7.1 will be possible (thanks to clipka, Bill P. and many others)

headsets like Oculus Rift, HTC Vive etc.

I tested the feature with my poor scene skills (simple stuffs like spheres).
Now i'm looking some great scene for rendering and test with VR headset.
I found a lot of greatest rendering also in this forum, but rarely source files.

If the source file .pov is available i can render it and share the result here.
If anyone it's interested to render it's work without share the source, i can
write here the instruction (for POV-Ray 3.7.1-alpha).

camera viewport).
Or maybe a scene where it's possible to put the camera in a nice position for
spherical projection. Like put camera in the middle of this chessboard:

Also animation will be interesting.

If anyone have or know interesting scene for testing with VR headset, please
report a link here. Thanks.

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From: Jaime Vives Piqueres
Subject: Re: Looking for rendering Omnidirectional Stereo images for VR headset
Date: 9 Mar 2016 13:49:00
Message: <56e0701c@news.povray.org>

> If anyone have or know interesting scene for testing with VR headset,
> please report a link here. Thanks.

   I would gladly offer any of the scene sources you can find at my site
(ignorancia.org), but only a few may be suited for this, as most lack
any surroundings apart from the camera view. And the remaining ones are
maybe not that interesting, usually too slow to render, and mostly for
old versions of POV-Ray or Megapov.

   But if you wait a bit, maybe this weekend I can send you the sources
for the cave I posted on p.b.images... that would be interesting, I think.


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From: Clodo
Subject: Re: Looking for rendering Omnidirectional Stereo images for VR headset
Date: 9 Mar 2016 14:35:01
Message: <web.56e079ea6ae27ba34e8811590@news.povray.org>
Jaime Vives Piqueres <jai### [at] ignoranciaorg> wrote:

> > If anyone have or know interesting scene for testing with VR headset,
> > please report a link here. Thanks.
>    I would gladly offer any of the scene sources you can find at my site
> (ignorancia.org), but only a few may be suited for this, as most lack
> any surroundings apart from the camera view. And the remaining ones are
> maybe not that interesting, usually too slow to render, and mostly for
> old versions of POV-Ray or Megapov.
>    But if you wait a bit, maybe this weekend I can send you the sources
> for the cave I posted on p.b.images... that would be interesting, I think.
> --
> jaime

Thanks! I can wait of course.
Yes, this is my big problem: almost all scene i found with sources lack any
surroundings apart from the camera view.
But for example can be interesting placing a camera more near the car in
"Fantasy Cars of 2011" (VR headset have a large FOV).
I'm still looking your great gallery.

If you don't have yet a VR headset, a Google Cardboard with an Android phone
will be economic and nice, though it's a simplified experience.

If anyone have a VR headset like Oculus Rift and want to try:

1- Download POV-Ray 3.7.1-alpha build:
2- Use this camera in your scene:
(sorry, actually doesn't support vector3 direction)

#declare ipd = 0.065; // Interpupillary distance
#declare cameraLocationX = 0;
#declare cameraLocationY = 0;
#declare cameraLocationZ = 0;
camera {
      location {
        function { cameraLocationX + cos(select(x,(x+0.5)*2,(x*2)) * 2 * pi -
pi)*ipd/2*select(x,-1,1) }
        function { cameraLocationY }
        function { cameraLocationZ + sin(select(x,(x+0.5)*2,(x*2)) * 2 * pi -
pi)*ipd/2*select(x,-1,1) }
      direction {
        function { sin(select(x,(x+0.5)*2,(x*2)) * 2 * pi - pi) * cos(pi / 2 -
(1-(y+0.5))*pi) }
        function { sin(pi / 2 - (1-(y+0.5))*pi) }
        function { cos(select(x,(x+0.5)*2,(x*2)) * 2 * pi - pi) * cos(pi / 2 -
(1-(y+0.5))*pi) }
3- Render. Remember to render to very-high resolution: the correct rendering
resolution depends on headset resolution and FOV. If unsure, at least 4096x2048.
4- With Oculus Rift DK2, you can use Virtual Desktop, MaxVR or any other
photo/video player to view the result.

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From: Jaime Vives Piqueres
Subject: Re: Looking for rendering Omnidirectional Stereo images for VR headset
Date: 9 Mar 2016 14:57:46
Message: <56e0803a$1@news.povray.org>

> But for example can be interesting placing a camera more near the car
> in "Fantasy Cars of 2011" (VR headset have a large FOV).

   Ok, I will try your ODS camera code with it and post the result.

   If you find any other scene you find interesting but has no code, just
tell me.


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From: Norbert Kern
Subject: Re: Looking for rendering Omnidirectional Stereo images for VR headset
Date: 9 Mar 2016 15:50:00
Message: <web.56e08b2f6ae27ba3422afd9c0@news.povray.org>
"Clodo" <clo### [at] clodoit> wrote:

> If anyone have or know interesting scene for testing with VR headset, please
> report a link here. Thanks.

(http://hof.povray.org/Boreal_big.html), but this scene is slow, complicated to
render and the size of the source is about 1 GB zipped.

But look at the plants_demo of Gilles Tran
(http://www.oyonale.com/modeles.php?lang=en&page=38). Included in the zip is a
file "plants_demo_pano.pov", which should be very easy to adapt to stereo.

Norbert Kern

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From: Jaime Vives Piqueres
Subject: Re: Looking for rendering Omnidirectional Stereo images for VR headset
Date: 9 Mar 2016 16:58:13
Message: <56e09c75@news.povray.org>

> http://hof.povray.org/Boreal_big.html

   I still rub my eyes every time I see this one...

> the size of the source is about 1 GB zipped.

   ...as I'm doing now after looking at that size. Zipped! :O


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From: Norbert Kern
Subject: Re: Looking for rendering Omnidirectional Stereo images for VR headset
Date: 9 Mar 2016 18:25:01
Message: <web.56e0b0b56ae27ba3422afd9c0@news.povray.org>
Jaime Vives Piqueres <jai### [at] ignoranciaorg> wrote:

> > http://hof.povray.org/Boreal_big.html
>    I still rub my eyes every time I see this one...
> > the size of the source is about 1 GB zipped.
>    ...as I'm doing now after looking at that size. Zipped! :O
> --
> jaime

Ohh, 1 GB zipped for a zipped source was wrong - 92 MB is the correct value.

About one year ago I tried to render a big version (8000*4500 pxs) with 3.7. I
gave up after about 1 %.
It's my only scene, were a environment exists (see the part view from above with
a pink cylinder for camera position and vector).

By the way, back in 2004 you made a nice landscape pano with an excellent sky /
clouds combination (http://www.ignorancia.org/en/index.php?page=Panoramas). It's
a pity, you didn't publish the source....


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Download 'boreal_above.jpg' (302 KB)

Preview of image 'boreal_above.jpg'


From: Jaime Vives Piqueres
Subject: Re: Looking for rendering Omnidirectional Stereo images for VR headset
Date: 10 Mar 2016 02:09:09
Message: <56e11d95@news.povray.org>

> Ohh, 1 GB zipped for a zipped source was wrong - 92 MB is the correct
> value.

   Ah... I was wondering what could be there to sum up 1GB. :)

> By the way, back in 2004 you made a nice landscape pano with an
> excellent sky / clouds combination
> (http://www.ignorancia.org/en/index.php?page=Panoramas). It's a pity,
> you didn't publish the source....

   Well, it's just a random output from Project Tierra, but I could dig
it up if you want the sources.... maybe I still have them.


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From: Clodo
Subject: Re: Looking for rendering Omnidirectional Stereo images for VR headset
Date: 10 Mar 2016 03:35:01
Message: <web.56e130c46ae27ba34e8811590@news.povray.org>
> But look at the plants_demo of Gilles Tran
> (http://www.oyonale.com/modeles.php?lang=en&page=38). Included in the zip is a
> file "plants_demo_pano.pov", which should be very easy to adapt to stereo.

Thanks, really nice.
I render it (12288 x 8192 SBS) and tested with Oculus Rift.
Don't look well: camera location it's too close.
I will try different IPD and/or different camera location.
Thanks for suggestion.

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From: Norbert Kern
Subject: Re: Looking for rendering Omnidirectional Stereo images for VR headset
Date: 10 Mar 2016 08:30:00
Message: <web.56e1769c6ae27ba3347346fe0@news.povray.org>
Jaime Vives Piqueres <jai### [at] ignoranciaorg> wrote:

>    Well, it's just a random output from Project Tierra, but I could dig
> it up if you want the sources.... maybe I still have them.
> --
> jaime

Of course yes - I want them!


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