This is the oil lamp (glass only) from the desktop scene (trapped) I
posted on binaries.images. There is a ring of sorts in the stem of the
glass, and I can't get rid of it. I tried adding an extra, short
cylinder where the torus and cone met up, to see if maybe that would
close some kind of gap, but it didn't work. Note that all differences
used to be intersections with inverse objects. Tell me if you know what
the problem is. Also note it may take a while to render.
#declare oillampglass = merge {
difference {
cylinder { <0,.5625,0>,<0,4.4375,0>,1 }
cylinder { <0,.5,0>,<0,4.5,0>,.9375 }
cylinder { <.812,2.421875,0>,<1.01,2.421875,0>,.09 }
bounded_by { cylinder { <0,-.1,0>,<0,5.1,0>,1.1 } }
torus { .96875,.0625 translate <0,.5625,0> }
torus { .96875,.0625 translate <0,4.4375,0> }
difference {
sphere { <0,0,0>,1 scale <.5,.4375,.5> translate <0,1.4375,0> }
sphere { <0,0,0>,1 scale <.4375,.375,.4375> translate <0,1.4375,0>
cone { <.328125,1.4375,0>,.109375 <.328125,1.93751,0>,.046875 }
bounded_by { cylinder { <0,-.1,0>,<0,5.1,0>,1.1 } }
difference {
cone { <.328125,1.4375,0>,.140625 <.328125,1.9375,0>,.078125 }
cone { <.328125,1.437,0>,.109375 <.328125,1.93751,0>,.046875 }
sphere { <0,0,0>,1 scale <.438,.38,.438> translate <0,1.4375,0> }
difference {
cone { <.8125,2.421875,0>,.078125 <1,2.421875,0>,.109375 }
cone { <.812,2.421875,0>,.046875 <1.01,2.421875,0>,.078125 }
difference {
cylinder { <0,0,0>,<0,4,0>,2 }
cylinder { <0,0,0>,<0,4,0>,.9999 }
difference {
torus { .484375,.078125 rotate 90*x translate <.8125,1.93749,0> }
box { <0,1.93749,-1>,<2,0,1> }
box { <.813,0,-1>,<2,3,1> }
torus { .484375,.046875 rotate 90*x translate <.8125,1.93749,0> }
cone { <.328125,1.437,0>,.109375 <.328125,1.93751,0>,.046875 }
texture { T_Glass3 } interior { I_Glass }
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