POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : Forked for VS2015 Server Time
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  Forked for VS2015 (Message 11 to 14 of 14)  
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From: Dick Balaska
Subject: Re: Forked for VS2015
Date: 27 Nov 2015 14:59:41
Message: <MPG.30c27d8f63471b50989685@news.povray.org>
In article <56462e27$1@news.povray.org>, ano### [at] anonymousorg says...
> Am 13.11.2015 um 17:05 schrieb Dick Balaska:
> > In article <564526a7$1@news.povray.org>, ano### [at] anonymousorg says...
> >> I've just revived the "console" project, which provides a simple 
> >> console version of POV-Ray for Windows.
> > 
> > Sweet!
> > 
> >> To build it, search the file `windows/povconfig/syspovconfig.h` for the
> >> line reading `// #define _CONSOLE`, and change it to `#define _CONSOLE`,
> >> then build the "console" project instead of the "GUI" project. This will
> >> create a binary named "povconsole64.exe" (presuming you're building the
> >> 64-bit non-debug version).
> > 
> > Er, well I'm still not building anything at the moment. :(
> > Can you dropbox it to me?
> I'm afraid I'm rather short on time these days (that, plus I don't even
> have a dropbox account ;)), so maybe someone else can step in?

Woo hoo. I got github/master to build and run, out of the box using 
VS2015 community edition!

Now, haha, my renderfarm server program (windows version) doesn't want 
to talk to my windows client. 

Inching closer...


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From: Dick Balaska
Subject: Re: Forked for VS2015
Date: 28 Nov 2015 03:04:14
Message: <MPG.30c329f9f219b89d989686@news.povray.org>
In article <MPG.30c27d8f63471b50989685@news.povray.org>, 
dic### [at] buckosoftcom says...
> Woo hoo. I got github/master to build and run, out of the box using 
> VS2015 community edition!
> Now, haha, my renderfarm server program (windows version) doesn't want 
> to talk to my windows client. 
> Inching closer...

I have increased my RenderFarm from 42Ghz to 70Ghz.
I'm a pov happy guy :)

As expected my Windows box is about equal to my 4 linux boxes combined.
For a specific set of frames, I get a render time of 8.5 minutes vs.
22, 27, 27, 78 minutes for my linux boxes.

Yeah, that Celeron's pretty slow, but she's my firewall and is otherwise 
pretty idle, so I might as well use it.  Maybe she gets retired from pov 


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From: Benjamin Chambers
Subject: Re: Forked for VS2015
Date: 11 Dec 2015 17:50:58
Message: <566b5352$1@news.povray.org>
Hey, look what happens when I get distracted for a few months :-D

Checking out the /master branch now...

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Forked for VS2015
Date: 11 Dec 2015 18:36:24
Message: <566b5df8$1@news.povray.org>
Am 11.12.2015 um 23:50 schrieb Benjamin Chambers:
> Hey, look what happens when I get distracted for a few months :-D

Maybe you should get distracted more often ;)

> Checking out the /master branch now...

Let me know how the changes work out for you.

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