> I'll probably be the only one who thinks so, but I would definitately enjoy
> having the built in editor. At least have it available in the POV source,
> like a configureable option,
As it turns out, I've been thinking about doing this in V.
It's a portable C++ GUI toolkit, and quite simple to code
with. There is already a C++/Java IDE called VIDE, which
I think could be adapted to POVray fairly painlessly. It
has windows and vi editing emulation. It's attractive,
I think, especially to the Unix oriented people, like me.
For your reference:
I think it would be quite a nice combination - a portable
GUI for POV and a 'killer app' for V.
Nigel Stewart
Nigel Stewart (nig### [at] nigelscom)
Research Student, Software Developer, Tokyo Dweller
"The Australian Government wants to read your email."
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