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  Highschool-shootings (Message 1 to 4 of 4)  
From: MichaelJF
Subject: Highschool-shootings
Date: 24 Feb 2018 14:56:20
Message: <5a91c364@news.povray.org>

as Trump (and the NRA) comes to the conclusion that more weapons will 
yield more security after the Florida massaker - he will arm the 
teachers - I will remember to you 2 IRTC entries related to this special 
topic. It seems that the POV community has a little problem with more 
weapons - as I have, of course.

IMO we need not more weapons within the communitiy but less. To arm 
teachers connot be a solution to the problem. Every weapon finds it's 
goal. So better have less of them.

Best regards

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From: Mike Horvath
Subject: Re: Highschool-shootings
Date: 24 Feb 2018 20:58:25
Message: <5a921841$1@news.povray.org>
We need more armed teachers in school. We also need more armed teachers 
at airports, and the frontlines in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Secret 
Service should be replaced by armed teachers.


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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Highschool-shootings
Date: 25 Feb 2018 03:12:50
Message: <5a927002$1@news.povray.org>
On 25-2-2018 2:58, Mike Horvath wrote:
> We need more armed teachers in school. We also need more armed teachers 
> at airports, and the frontlines in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Secret 
> Service should be replaced by armed teachers.

And of course teaching should be started as soon as possible: arming 
toddlers from age 2 up, and arming the parents of course, 24/7. 
Contraception should be forbidden too in order to compensate for the 
unavoidable (but necessary) population drop. However, this might be 
beneficial for the gene flow.



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From: Patrick Elliott
Subject: Re: Highschool-shootings
Date: 25 Feb 2018 11:11:46
Message: <5a92e042$1@news.povray.org>
On 2/25/2018 1:12 AM, Thomas de Groot wrote:
> On 25-2-2018 2:58, Mike Horvath wrote:
>> We need more armed teachers in school. We also need more armed 
>> teachers at airports, and the frontlines in Iraq and Afghanistan. The 
>> Secret Service should be replaced by armed teachers.
> And of course teaching should be started as soon as possible: arming 
> toddlers from age 2 up, and arming the parents of course, 24/7. 
> Contraception should be forbidden too in order to compensate for the 
> unavoidable (but necessary) population drop. However, this might be 
> beneficial for the gene flow.
> [sigh...]
Not to worry, within 24 hours of them arming them they will be reduced 
to begging parents to buy the bullets, or using squirt guns...

Seriously... A large segment of the US has completely gone off their 
freaking rockers. If this was Gotham we would be seeing people running 
around in freaky costumes at this point, and almost all of them claiming 
to be the heroes, while acting like freaking Penguin, or worse, the gun 
nut Zsasz. One recent idiot spent their time, in support of the NRA, 
whining that the ATF, who lacks the authority to do shit about making 
policy, was "at fault", because they didn't have "clear definitions" for 
what the F constituted "assault weapons". Like having a clear definition 
would mean shit. It would just give the NRA a clear target to whine and 
complain about, and defends as, "Not the problem!!!"

Thing is... they are right. The problem is a universal disrespect for 
people, and an equally universal delusion about "personal freedom", and 
the definition that so many people use for that, which includes 
unrestrained greed as an actual f-ing asset. So, the GOP attacks judges 
that try to prevent voters from being suppressed, because "freedom" 
means preventing non-conservatives from voting. Saving victims, in the 
case of "trafficking" has become raping them, in places like Alaska, to 
entrap them for arrest, ignoring their attempts to get help (which has 
been going on for ever), when someone attacks them (one judge decided 
that a case of multiple rape was "theft of services"), and cops, with 
impunity, threaten and take advantage of them, doing the same "theft" 
all the time, to get information out of them, or stop them from speaking 
up, to the point where one women threw herself out of a window, and 
died, trying to escape an INS raid, after have spent nearly a decade as 
an unwilling "informant" (from threats and violence by the cops). But, 
while wide spread, kind of like killing black people, less than a half a 
dozen cops have ever been tried, never mind fired, for any of this, and, 
meanwhile, while the "justice system" is "saving" prostitutes, its 
letting mega-corporations traffick workers, using threats and coercion, 
which is just as bad, if not, for some women, nearly identical, to force 
them to do amounts of work, shifts, and at pay rates, which **should 
be** illegal, and probably are, if you are willing to risk your job to 
speak out against them (and this is the mild cases, not the truly 
criminal ones, like cases of immigrants that ended up in the US, and 
then where kept in sweat shop conditions in the US borders, under threat 
that they would be deported if they didn't work for shit hours and pay.

Oh, and.. lest we forget, almost no one notices any of this corruption, 
failure, and even intentional sabotage of justice, because rich white 
people, who are really famous, have snatched up things like #metoo, to 
talk about their, perfectly legit, but hardly uncommon, harrassment, 
while the marginalized people of color, and trans, etc., who **created** 
the movement are shoved aside and ignored, by the very people who 
suddenly made the world notice the movement.

Heck, in some of this its not even just the US. Whole swaths of supposed 
"feminists" decided to side with bigots and liars, and the very people 
that abuse sex workers, by telling Amnesty International to back off of 
the idea of legalizing what they do. Because, making these people even 
more marginalized, calling them victims, while both the cops, and the 
legal system abuse them, and push them further into danger, and every 
single action being taken to "save" them in just stealing money from 
them, or forcing them to work with, or take as clients, the very abusers 
they need protection from, is really helping "victims". In fact, its 
making things worse, because, gee, somehow people that choose, or are 
forced, into this sort of work are not human, don't deserve the same 
legal protections, are just, somehow, simultaneously, both complete scum 
(lets not talk to them and find out what they are really like, or who 
they would prefer to be able to legally deny as clients, instead of 
scrambling for rent money), and "victims" of a system that even the 
freaking police rape and abuse them in, because, well.. they are just 
scum too.

Guns.. guns are just more of the same crap. If you are a bad guy, the 
"system" is "supposed to" keep you from getting them. Only, the system 
is bought and sold buy the NRA, so *everyone* is able to get one, and 
even if some law is supposed to prevent you getting one, there are 
**no** safeguards to make sure you are really truly qualified to use one 
(there are loopholes around any that do exist), and... **ABSOLUTELY** 
nothing to make sure you are mentally qualified to own one, unlike 
countries like, say, Japan, which freaking require a psych evaluation, 
and bloody testing every 3 years, to own one. Try, just try, to 
implement this sort of thing in the US, and you will get 1% of the NRA's 
time spent talking about how great and idea it is to keep them out of 
the hands of crazy and dangerous people, and 99% of their time trying to 
not just prevent the law passing, but murder the political careers of 
every single person that voted for it. Because, its not about what is 
right, or needed, or just, or sensible, etc., its about what "protects 
the NRA's freedoms, which includes pure greed." Everyone elses rights, 
including the right to safety, protection, and even life itself... those 
are less important that the ideology of freedom and the second 
amendment. Just like every other injustice, and life destroying thing in 
the US, is about protecting some groups ideologies, or profits. Who 
gives a fuck what lives you ruin in the process, by trying to "fix" the 
problems by making your supposed "victims" less safe, and more likely to 
be victimized. Its a "moral issue" of great importance whether or not 
someone accuses important people of rape, or is a feminist, or can't pay 
their rent on a shitty job, instead of selling sex, or, by god, you are 
threatening to take away their damn guns.

The death, physical and mental abuse, mistreatment, police violence, or 
just plain continued support of the people screwing them over, instead 
of the actual victims, those are all just "distractions". Just ask 
people like Richard Dawkins, or CFI, who, unlike, at this point, nearly 
every other secular group, still invite accused sexual harassers to 
speak at conferences, or attend their cruises. Who gives a damn about 
the real victims, or what your solutions do to them, the "moral stance" 
you are taking is more important (even when its complete bullshit).

The cancer is all through the US at this point, and.. sadly, its being 
exported, in small, potentially lethal, doses, because, even in Europe, 
there are idiots that are more willing to listen to a bullshit moral 
argument, than "see" the results of trying to fix their imaginary 
problems, and appose those actually trying to help people, and change 
society for the better. The "socially acceptable" criminals, of course, 
have a field day with it. After all, who (when criminal at heart) 
doesn't want to steal property, or rape women, legally, as a cop, or get 
rich, taking money from gun lobbyists, defend greed, in the face of 
rising poverty, or blame everything wrong with the world on immigrants, 
even as you cut the very jobs you claim they are stealing, and on, and on.

Crime does pay - as long as its a crime against people that don't 
matter, and your are on the side that *does*. And, you even get to claim 
that you are protecting "victims", as you hand the gun, or access to 
their bodies, or auction off their stolen property, or a thousand other 
weapons, to their next abuser. But, at least, so everyone around you 
claims, you are the one on, "the moral high ground".

Not sure, at this point, if moving off the damn planet isn't the better 
idea, if it where possible. The US might have cornered the flea market 
on stupid ideas and implementing them as social and justice policy, 
but.. we borrowed some of this crap from other places, who can't see how 
freaking stupid the ideas are either. Its hard to tell if the poison 
originated here, or it just found a low spot in the damn landscape at 
this point. And, the only hope comes with the possibility that enough 
people here also appose the crap, that *maybe* they can pull their heads 
out of their asses too, and start looking for solutions that help 
everyone, and not just the, #iamafamouswhitevictimtoo.

Commander Vimes: "You take a bunch of people who don't seem any 
different from you and me, but when you add them all together you get 
this sort of huge raving maniac with national borders and an anthem."

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