On 2022-01-23 21:01 (-4), Tor Olav Kristensen wrote:
> A private and a public ssh key can be created e.g. like this both in Linux,
> MacOS and a recent Windows 10 (and perhaps in Windows 11):
> [snip]
OK, I created an SSH key and followed GitHub's instructions for adding
it to my ssh-agent, re-created the remote origin reference on my local
repo, and tried to push again. Git-Cola *still* asked for the damn
expired GPG key.
I guess I'll have to dig out the instructions on how to push from the
CLI, and see if that works. But like I said before, I cannot remember
these commands from one moment to the next; but I do remember that if I
forget a step, or if I omit or get one of the myriad command line
switches wrong, none of it will work.
Is my workflow getting easier yet?
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