POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.object-collection : View_POV_Include_Stack? Server Time
17 Feb 2025 19:09:49 EST (-0500)
  View_POV_Include_Stack? (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: Cousin Ricky
Subject: View_POV_Include_Stack?
Date: 21 Mar 2019 14:54:59
Message: <5c93de03$1@news.povray.org>
In my contributions, it has been my practice to write an "#include" line 
automatically to the debug stream.  While I haven't gotten any feedback 
over this practice, it is starting to annoy me, the author!  The 
messages just add clutter to my #debug output.

Going forward, I plan to use View_POV_Include_Stack such that these 
notices are suppressed by default, as is done with the standard include 
files.  Several Object Collection modules already do this.  (As this 
identifier is defined in a standard include file and referenced by most, 
I would not consider the lack of a prefix to be a violation of the 
naming standards; and in fact, using the prefix would complicate matters 
for a user taking advantage of this practice.)

So my question to myself is, is it worth updating all 13 of my modules 
in one shot, or should I just make this change to each module as I 
update them over time?  Some of my modules I have no further plans for, 
so this would be the only change, aside from some possible minor tweaks.

Does anyone care?

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From: Le Forgeron
Subject: Re: View_POV_Include_Stack?
Date: 21 Mar 2019 15:30:36
Message: <5c93e65c$1@news.povray.org>
Le 21/03/2019 à 19:54, Cousin Ricky a écrit :
> In my contributions, it has been my practice to write an "#include" line
> automatically to the debug stream.  While I haven't gotten any feedback
> over this practice, it is starting to annoy me, the author!  The
> messages just add clutter to my #debug output.
> Going forward, I plan to use View_POV_Include_Stack such that these
> notices are suppressed by default, as is done with the standard include
> files.  Several Object Collection modules already do this.  (As this
> identifier is defined in a standard include file and referenced by most,
> I would not consider the lack of a prefix to be a violation of the
> naming standards; and in fact, using the prefix would complicate matters
> for a user taking advantage of this practice.)
> So my question to myself is, is it worth updating all 13 of my modules
> in one shot, or should I just make this change to each module as I
> update them over time?  Some of my modules I have no further plans for,
> so this would be the only change, aside from some possible minor tweaks.
> Does anyone care?

Yes, I do.

1. do as you want.
2. when done, please drop a little message (here), and I will resync the
collection with the repository.

copying practice from official include files seems a good karma.

I have to confess I barely care about the stack of includes.

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From: Cousin Ricky
Subject: Re: View_POV_Include_Stack?
Date: 23 Mar 2019 11:02:07
Message: <5c964a6f$1@news.povray.org>
On 2019-03-21 3:30 PM, Le_Forgeron wrote:
> copying practice from official include files seems a good karma.

... Unless it's setting high ambients on metals.

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From: Cousin Ricky
Subject: Re: View_POV_Include_Stack?
Date: 4 Apr 2019 21:58:08
Message: <5ca6b630$1@news.povray.org>
On 2019-03-21 3:30 PM (-4), Le_Forgeron wrote:
> 2. when done, please drop a little message (here), and I will resync the
> collection with the repository.

I have updated these 8 modules:

   AndroidRobot 4.0.1
   BeamTest 1.2.1
   BrightStar5 1.1.1
   Caption 1.1.1
   IntegrateLight 1.0.1
   lrchairs 1.1.1
   Spectrum 4.0.1
   TiltedTorus 3.0.1

Most of these have only the suppression of the include message and minor 
tweaks, but BrightStar5 has a bug fix and IntegrateLight has some 
corrections to the user manual.

But wouldn't you know it, I just discovered brand new errors in 6 of the 
user manuals.  If I upload the corrected manuals to p.b.misc, can you do 
me the favor of copying them to the Object Collection server?

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From: Le Forgeron
Subject: Re: View_POV_Include_Stack?
Date: 5 Apr 2019 11:42:42
Message: <5ca77772$1@news.povray.org>
Le 05/04/2019 à 03:58, Cousin Ricky a écrit :
> On 2019-03-21 3:30 PM (-4), Le_Forgeron wrote:
>> 2. when done, please drop a little message (here), and I will resync the
>> collection with the repository.
> I have updated these 8 modules:
>   AndroidRobot 4.0.1
>   BeamTest 1.2.1
>   BrightStar5 1.1.1
>   Caption 1.1.1
>   IntegrateLight 1.0.1
>   lrchairs 1.1.1
>   Spectrum 4.0.1
>   TiltedTorus 3.0.1
> Most of these have only the suppression of the include message and minor
> tweaks, but BrightStar5 has a bug fix and IntegrateLight has some
> corrections to the user manual.
> But wouldn't you know it, I just discovered brand new errors in 6 of the
> user manuals.  If I upload the corrected manuals to p.b.misc, can you do
> me the favor of copying them to the Object Collection server?

You mean updating/replacing the file in your last upload ?
Probably yes.

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From: Cousin Ricky
Subject: Re: View_POV_Include_Stack?
Date: 5 Apr 2019 12:43:25
Message: <5ca785ad$1@news.povray.org>
On 2019-04-05 11:42 AM (-4), Le_Forgeron wrote:
> Le 05/04/2019 à 03:58, Cousin Ricky a écrit :
>> But wouldn't you know it, I just discovered brand new errors in 6 of the
>> user manuals.  If I upload the corrected manuals to p.b.misc, can you do
>> me the favor of copying them to the Object Collection server?
> You mean updating/replacing the file in your last upload ?
> Probably yes.

They are now posted in povray.binaries.misc.  TIA.

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