On 4/29/20 5:23 PM, Cousin Ricky wrote:
> RoundEdge 2.0 now has macros for rounded boxes with unequal edge radii.
> As a bonus, a wrapper is added for POV-Ray's cryptic isosurface evaluate
> feature.
Thanks for the update.
I've never gotten to where evaluate is part of my isosurface flow... How
much does the evaluate feature typically buy you?
In my experiments 10-15% at most - and it's sometimes slower, but I've
also not stuck with using it. Am I'm missing bigger possible gains?
Suppose my issue with feature is I don't know what it really does beyond
adjust the gradient on the fly within some bounding(1). The code is
there, I could figure it out, but given I've never seen big gains...
Aside: v38's optional parameters are tempting additions to your evaluate
wrapper. :-)
Bill P.
(1) - What happens inside that black box when I play games with ever
changing (dis-continuous) - or even significantly flat gradients? Tricks
workable if the roots are kept 'away' from the discontinuities (within
continuous value regions/envelopes) - and the sampling periodicity is
high enough over the whole isosurface with respect to rays such that the
continuous value envelopes are not missed.
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