POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.news-submissions : PoseRay 3.8 Released Server Time
22 Dec 2024 08:41:26 EST (-0500)
  PoseRay 3.8 Released (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
From: FlyerX
Subject: PoseRay 3.8 Released
Date: 5 Sep 2004 23:52:38
Message: <413bdf06$1@news.povray.org>

I upgraded PoseRay to v3.8.0. This is a large update with many new
features and bug fixes.

Site: http://user.txcyber.com/~sgalls/

For those that do not know PoseRay is a utility with the following main

* Converts Wavefront (OBJ & MTL), 3D studio (3DS), LightWave (LWO),
   AutoCAD (DXF), Moray (UDO) and raw triangle (RAW) 3D models into
   POV-Ray scenes, Moray UDO files or Wavefront models (OBJ & MTL).
* 3D Preview of the model with support for materials and setup of lights
   and camera
* Simulation of HDRI lighting from high dynamic range images
* Smooth and flat subdivision
* Material property editor
* General geometry transformations
* Simulation of cartoon rendering
* Support for Poser scenes including geometry, materials, lights and
* Support for DAZ Studio scenes including geometry and materials.



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From: FlyerX
Subject: Re: PoseRay 3.8 Released - UPDATE
Date: 9 Sep 2004 02:51:38
Message: <413ffd7a@news.povray.org>

Site: http://user.txcyber.com/~sgalls/

Thanks to some people I fixed some bugs as follows:

* Fixed a bug that was making PoseRay, under some circumstances, consume 
90%+ CPU time and not respond when started. The OpenGL extension checker 
was crashing with some drivers and was going into an infinite loop.
* Fixed a problem where 4-sided polygons were not being triangulated 
right under some circumstances leaving holes in the mesh.
* Fixed Show/Hide maps not working if the preview was re-enabled.
* Bump maps were not being rendered in POV-Ray if there was a color map 
on the material also.
* Fixed cartoon rendering problems with materials using maps.


Site: http://user.txcyber.com/~sgalls/

FlyerX wrote:
> Hello,
> I upgraded PoseRay to v3.8.0. This is a large update with many new
> features and bug fixes.
> Site: http://user.txcyber.com/~sgalls/
> For those that do not know PoseRay is a utility with the following main
> features:
> * Converts Wavefront (OBJ & MTL), 3D studio (3DS), LightWave (LWO),
>   AutoCAD (DXF), Moray (UDO) and raw triangle (RAW) 3D models into
>   POV-Ray scenes, Moray UDO files or Wavefront models (OBJ & MTL).
> * 3D Preview of the model with support for materials and setup of lights
>   and camera
> * Simulation of HDRI lighting from high dynamic range images
> * Smooth and flat subdivision
> * Material property editor
> * General geometry transformations
> * Simulation of cartoon rendering
> * Support for Poser scenes including geometry, materials, lights and
>   camera
> * Support for DAZ Studio scenes including geometry and materials.
> Enjoy,
> FlyerX

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From: Arlo J
Subject: Re: PoseRay 3.8 Released
Date: 22 Sep 2004 23:39:52
Message: <41524588@news.povray.org>
FlyerX wrote:
> I upgraded PoseRay to v3.8.0. This is a large update with many new
> features and bug fixes.

Wow! Wow! Wow! THANK YOU! I use this utility a lot and this expanded 
funcationality is just amazing!

To offer it for free just entirely blows my mind! :D

Thank you! Danke! Arigato Gozaimasu!



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From: FlyerX
Subject: Re: PoseRay 3.8 Released - UPDATE to 3.8.2
Date: 26 Sep 2004 19:09:08
Message: <41574c14@news.povray.org>
New update with fixes to some UV coordinate bugs.


FlyerX wrote:
> Hello,
> I upgraded PoseRay to v3.8.0. This is a large update with many new
> features and bug fixes.
> Site: http://user.txcyber.com/~sgalls/
> For those that do not know PoseRay is a utility with the following main
> features:
> * Converts Wavefront (OBJ & MTL), 3D studio (3DS), LightWave (LWO),
>   AutoCAD (DXF), Moray (UDO) and raw triangle (RAW) 3D models into
>   POV-Ray scenes, Moray UDO files or Wavefront models (OBJ & MTL).
> * 3D Preview of the model with support for materials and setup of lights
>   and camera
> * Simulation of HDRI lighting from high dynamic range images
> * Smooth and flat subdivision
> * Material property editor
> * General geometry transformations
> * Simulation of cartoon rendering
> * Support for Poser scenes including geometry, materials, lights and
>   camera
> * Support for DAZ Studio scenes including geometry and materials.
> Enjoy,
> FlyerX

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From: Txemi Jendrix
Subject: Re: PoseRay 3.8 Released - UPDATE to 3.8.2
Date: 26 Sep 2004 19:57:30
Message: <4157576a@news.povray.org>
FlyerX wrote:

>> Hello,
>> I upgraded PoseRay to v3.8.0. This is a large update with many new
>> features and bug fixes.

I'm downloadin' it right now.

>> Enjoy,

Sure, and thank you for your efforts.
>> FlyerX

Txemi Jendrix

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