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JPatch 0.2 pre-alpha released
Today we* have made availible a new pre-alpha version (0.2) of
our 3D Modeler "JPatch". It can be downloaded from
JPatch is an sPatch like modeler and can export to RIB (RenderMan)
and POV-Ray.
* Java Runtime Environment Version 1.4 or later
* Optional: Java3D Version 1.2 or later (for the
Java3D preview)
Supported Platforms:
JPatch should run on every platform which supports Java. It has
been tested on:
* Microsoft Windows
* Linux
* Mac OS-X
What's new:
1. Java3D Preview
JPatch now has a shaded preview (requires Java3D)
2. Javascript
JPatch now embeds Rhino, the Javascript engine from mozilla.org.
It includes three demo scripts to produce circles, spheres and
3. Background Images (Rotoscope)
JPatch can now load and display a background image in each
4. javax.vecmath Package
We've bundeled Kenji Hiranabe's unofficial free Java3D vecmath
package into this JPatch release. So there's no need to install the
complete Java3D distribution anymore (unless you want the Java3D
preview feature, of course). For more information see
5. Bugfixes
We've fixed all bugs that we found in version 0.1
Javascript can only start the three included demo-scripts (circle,
sphere and grid). Since the internal design of JPatch will change
completely (see Future Plans), Javascripts written for this version
will not run in the next version of JPatch anymore. We therefor
decided to deactivate the possibility to execute custom scripts.
Future Plans:
We're currently re-writing much of the code to support
Animation:Master style hooks and five-point-patches. This took a
little longer than expected, so we decided to release another
pre-alpha version, still based on the old code, but including
several new features and bugfixes. The next version (0.3) will
most likely support hooks and five-point-patches and Animation:Master
model import.
Animation features (Morphs, Bones) will follow in 0.4.
*The JPatch-Team are (in alphabetical order):
Dan Bishop Developer
Robert Hemby Consultant / Tester
Sascha Ledinsky Project Administrator / Developer
Giovanni Martone Project Administrator / Consultant
Other Contributors:
Gregg Patton
Best regards,
Sascha Ledinsky
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sascha wrote:
> =============================
> JPatch 0.2 pre-alpha released
> =============================
> Today we* have made availible a new pre-alpha version (0.2) of
> our 3D Modeler "JPatch". It can be downloaded from
> http://jpatch.sourceforge.net
Cool. The screenshots suggest that it's already something very useful,
so "pre-alpha" is perhaps a little bit too modest.
Thomas (who unfortunately doesn't have the time at the moment do to some
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Does pre-alpha suggest that it isn't useful?
Well, what it's trying to say is that
1) there are some features missing we'd like to implement before a
feature-freeze and "real" alpha, beta and finally a stable 1.0 release.
2) it's probably full of bugs ;-)
3) it's under active development and in a state where we easily can
integrate new features/improvements/etc...
The primary reason for releasing it in this "pre-alpha" state is to gain
as much user-feedback as possible.
I'd say it's about as "useful" as sPatch is, but might have some bugs.
At the current state Windows-users may prefer using sPatch or hamaPatch,
but even yet it might be of some use to Mac- or Linux-users.
I've done some testing and fixed every bug I've found - so in general
you could trust the program and it's undo feature, but still it's better
to save often...
-Sascha Ledinsky
Thomas Willhalm wrote:
> sascha wrote:
>>JPatch 0.2 pre-alpha released
>>Today we* have made availible a new pre-alpha version (0.2) of
>>our 3D Modeler "JPatch". It can be downloaded from
> Cool. The screenshots suggest that it's already something very useful,
> so "pre-alpha" is perhaps a little bit too modest.
> Thomas (who unfortunately doesn't have the time at the moment do to some
> modelling)
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great program!
i will try to model something in it instead of hamapatch
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sascha wrote:
> Does pre-alpha suggest that it isn't useful?
> Hmmm...
> Well, what it's trying to say is that
> 1) there are some features missing we'd like to implement before a
> feature-freeze and "real" alpha, beta and finally a stable 1.0 release.
> 2) it's probably full of bugs ;-)
> 3) it's under active development and in a state where we easily can
> integrate new features/improvements/etc...
I would call it "alpha" then. However, version 0.2 already suggests
that you plan to incorporate more features, so adding "(pre-)alpha"
is kind of redundant.
> I'd say it's about as "useful" as sPatch is, but might have some bugs.
> At the current state Windows-users may prefer using sPatch or hamaPatch,
> but even yet it might be of some use to Mac- or Linux-users.
In my opinion "sPatch" is very useful. I still keep a copy although I
don't boot to Windows to often. So - apart from the bugs you mention -
JPatch is useful, too, according my definition (especially for
non-Windows users).
However, this discussion might be not so useful (keeping
you from working on JPatch). I just wanted to mention that you are
probably too modest.
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