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I ran this with POV3.7 on my Xp 32bit and it crashed half way through
with a cannot parse Error.
#declare Thing=box{-1,1}
object{Thing pigment{rgb 1} translate <i,j,0> }
That computer has about a gig of memory.
I also used {box{-1,1} pigment{rgb 1} translate <i,j,0> }
It crashed sooner.
I ran it with POV3.7 on my windows 10 64bit and it ran fine.
This computer has about 8 gig of memory.
which was the most important reason, memory size or bit count?
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On 2023-01-04 15:27 (-4), Leroy wrote:
> I ran this with POV3.7 on my Xp 32bit and it crashed half way through
> with a cannot parse Error.
> #declare Thing=box{-1,1}
> #for(i,-2048,2048)
> #for(j,-2048,2048)
> object{Thing pigment{rgb 1} translate <i,j,0> }
> #end
> #end
> That computer has about a gig of memory.
> [snip]
> I ran it with POV3.7 on my windows 10 64bit and it ran fine.
> This computer has about 8 gig of memory.
You are asking for 16,785,409 objects. Unfortunately, POV-Ray 3.7 does
not give memory statistics, so I converted your scene to POV-Ray 3.6,
and ran it on my GNU/Linux machine with 1,000,000 objects. It used
988,560,213 bytes, almost a gigabyte. So yeah, you would have blown the
memory on the 32-bit computer early on. My new question is why it even
worked on your 8 gig computer... unless 3.7 stores objects more
efficiently than 3.6?
> which was the most important reason, memory size or bit count?
Memory is certainly the deciding factor in this particular case, but bit
count is an upstream factor, as a 32-bit machine cannot address more
than 4 gig.
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Le 2023-01-04 à 16:27, Cousin Ricky a écrit :
> On 2023-01-04 15:27 (-4), Leroy wrote:
>> I ran this with POV3.7 on my Xp 32bit and it crashed half way through
>> with a cannot parse Error.
>> #declare Thing=box{-1,1}
>> #for(i,-2048,2048)
>> #for(j,-2048,2048)
>> object{Thing pigment{rgb 1} translate <i,j,0> }
>> #end
>> #end
>> That computer has about a gig of memory.
>> [snip]
>> I ran it with POV3.7 on my windows 10 64bit and it ran fine.
>> This computer has about 8 gig of memory.
> You are asking for 16,785,409 objects. Unfortunately, POV-Ray 3.7 does
> not give memory statistics, so I converted your scene to POV-Ray 3.6,
> and ran it on my GNU/Linux machine with 1,000,000 objects. It used
> 988,560,213 bytes, almost a gigabyte. So yeah, you would have blown the
> memory on the 32-bit computer early on. My new question is why it even
> worked on your 8 gig computer... unless 3.7 stores objects more
> efficiently than 3.6?
>> which was the most important reason, memory size or bit count?
> Memory is certainly the deciding factor in this particular case, but bit
> count is an upstream factor, as a 32-bit machine cannot address more
> than 4 gig.
It worked on an 64 bits 8Gb system thank to virtual memory.
On the 32 bits system, even using the cache, it exceeded the hard 4Gb
limit of adressable memory for a single process.
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