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I would like to be able to have code in my scene.pov file that will
center objects and move the camera or object so that the model will fill
most of the scene. So far I have found this.
model // defined as a mesh2 object in another file
Center_Trans(model, x+y+z)
This will move the object so that the center of it's bounding box is at
0,0,0. For my objects the center of the bounding box works fine for
centering. Now how can I move the object and camera closer or farther
apart in povray so that it will fill up the scene. Right now I have the
camera hard coded to allow the largest object to fit in the scene, but
some of my smaller objects appear to small. I was thing I might could
get the bounding box's height and width and use them to determine how
far apart the camera and object need to be, but so far I have not been
able to find out how to get it.
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I'd try it the other way round:
Set up a scene with some dummy boxes and adjust the camera in a way that
it fits your needs. Later replace the dummy boxes by your real objects
and scale them to fit the dimensions of the old dummies. This can be
done pretty easy using min_extent and max_extent. And it is really
easier than calculate new camera parameters.
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In article <407efe5f$1@news.povray.org>,
Florian Brucker <tor### [at] torfbold com> wrote:
> I'd try it the other way round:
> Set up a scene with some dummy boxes and adjust the camera in a way that
> it fits your needs. Later replace the dummy boxes by your real objects
> and scale them to fit the dimensions of the old dummies. This can be
> done pretty easy using min_extent and max_extent. And it is really
> easier than calculate new camera parameters.
> HTH,
> Florian
Well I am doing the follow now.
#declare scaledContainer =
#local objMax = max_extent(container);
#local objMin = min_extent(container);
#local objdim = objMax-objMin;
#if (objDim.x > objDim.y)
#local objScale = 0.75/objDim.x;
#local objScale = 0.75/objDim.y;
scale objScale
Screen_Object(scaledContainer, <0.5, 0.5>, <0, 0>, true, 1.0)
This seems similar to what you are talking about. This seems to work
pretty good on the models I have tried it on. I thought Screen_Object()
would do everything for me when I found that macro but it doesn't seem
to be able to scale the object to make it fit the screen only move it in
front of the camera, still helpful though. Any suggestions on improving
this or know of something that could break its centering ablity?
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From: Florian Brucker
Subject: Re: centering an object for the camera
Date: 18 Apr 2004 11:31:34
Message: <40829f56@news.povray.org>
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> Any suggestions on improving
> this or know of something that could break its centering ablity?
The only thing I can imagine which would break this method would be bad
bounding boxes like
sphere {
bounded_by { box { -<100,1,1>,1 } }
(not as a result of manual bounding as shown here, but as a result of
complex CSG). But I don't know a method which would not fail in that
case (aside from scanning the whole bounding box via trace...). And I
don't think it'll happen too often.
To make your code just that bit more handy, I'd shorten it into one
single macro a la:
#macro Scaled_Screen_Object()
which would rescale a given object and pass it to Screen_Object. This
would make your code more reusable. And of course
#local objMax = max_extent(container);
#local objMin = min_extent(container);
#local objdim = objMax-objMin;
could be shortened to
#local objdim = max_extent(container) - min_extent(container);
but that's not really necessary.
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